JavaScript String padEnd() Method

The padEnd() method in JavaScript is used to pad a string with another string until it reaches the given length. The padding is applied from the right end of the string.


string.padEnd( targetLength, padString );


This method accepts two parameters as mentioned above and described below:

  • targetLength: It is the length of the final string once the original string has been padded. If the value is less than the original string length, then the original string is returned.
  • padString: It is the string that is to be padded with the original string. If this value is too long to be within the targetLength, it is truncated.

Return Value:

It returns the final string that is padded with the given string of the given length. 

Example 1: This example uses the padEnd() method to pad strings into another string. 


// Function to implement  padEnd method
function padStrings() {
    // Input methods
    exString = "Hello";
    exString2 = "Beginner";
    // Implement padEnd methods to add symbols at end
    output = exString.padEnd(12, "$");
    output2 = exString2.padEnd(12, "Beginner");
    // Display output
// Function call



Example 2: This example uses the padEnd() method to pad numbers into another number. 


// Function to implement padEnd method
function padNumbers() {
    // Input numbers
    exNumber = 1234;
    exNumber2 = 99;
    // Implement padEnd
    output = String(exNumber).padEnd(8, "0");
    output2 = String(exNumber2).padEnd(8, "**");
    // Display output number
// Function call



We have a complete list of Javascript Strings, to check those please go through the Javascript String Complete reference article.

Supported Browsers: The browser supported by the padEnd() method are listed below:

  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Edge
  • Safari
  • Opera

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