50+Tricky English Words With Their Meaning You Should Know

Tricky English Words are very important in modern conversation. Some people use these words in their English conversation to feel cool. Such tricky words might be hard to pronounce or spell or they might have more than one meaning. One must know the meanings of such tricky words and how they can be used in a sentence or while communicating.

We have explained the top 10 Tricky English Words with their meaning and examples below.

Table of Content

  • List of Tricky English Words with Their Meaning
  • List of Tricky English Words with Deep Meaning
  • What Makes Some Words Tricky in English?
  • Tricky Words in English
  • How to use tricky words?

List of Tricky English Words with Their Meaning

Below is a list of Tricky English words with meanings and examples.


Meanings and Examples

Affect vs. Effect

  • Affect(verb): To influence or produce a change in something.
  • Example: The rainy weather didn’t affect their plans for the outdoor picnic.
  • Effect(noun): A result or consequence of an action.
  • Example: The rainy weather didn’t affect their plans for the outdoor picnic.

Accept vs. Except

  • Accept: (verb) to agree to receive or take something.
  • Example: She gladly accepted the gift from her friend.
  • Except(preposition/conjunction): excluding; not including.
  • Example: Everyone was invited to the party except John.

Their vs. They’re vs. There

  • Their(pronoun) belonging to them.
  • Example: Their house is located by the lake.
  • They’re: contraction of “they are”.
  • Example: They’re going on vacation next week.
  • There(adverb): in or at that place.
  • Example: The keys are over there on the table.

Its vs. It’s

  • Its(pronoun): belonging to it.
  • Example: The cat licked its paw.
  • It’s: contraction of “it is” or ” it has.
  • Example: It’s a beautiful day outside.

Your vs. You’re

  • Your(pronoun): belonging to you.
  • Example: Is this your book?
  • You’re: contraction of “you are”.
  • Example: You’re doing a great job!

Than vs. Then

  • Than(conjunction): used in comparisons.
  • Example: She is taller than her brother.
  • Then(adverb): at that time; next in order of time.
  • Example: We’ll finish dinner, and then we’ll go for a walk.

Complement vs. Compliment

  • Complement(noun): Something that completes or brings perfection to something else.
  • Example: The red wine was a perfect complement to the meal.
  • Compliment: (noun) a polite expression of praise or admiration.
  • Example: She received many compliments on her artwork.

Principal vs. Principle

  • Principal(noun): the head or director of a school; also, the amount of money initially invested or loaned.
  • Example: The principal of the school announced a new policy.
  • Principle(noun): a fundamental truth or concept.
  • Example: She believed in the principle of honesty.

Stationary vs. Stationery

  • Stationary(adjective): not moving; motionless.
  • Example: The car was stationary at the traffic light.
  • Stationery(noun): writing materials such as paper, pens, and envelopes.
  • Example: She bought some new stationery for her office.

Lose vs. Loose

  • Lose(verb): to be unable to find or retain possession of something.
  • Example: Don’t lose your keys.
  • Loose(adjective): not firmly or tightly held in place.
  • Example: Her dress was loose and comfortable.

List of Tricky English Words with Deep Meaning

Tabulated below are the tricky english words with deep meaning:

Word Meaning
Serendipity The occurrence of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
Mellifluous Sweet or musical; pleasant to hear.
Ephemeral Lasting for a very short time.
Petrichor The pleasant, earthy smell after rain.
Sonder The realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own.
Epiphany A moment of sudden and profound realization or understanding.
Solitude The state of being alone or secluded from the rest of the world.
Ethereal Extremely delicate and light, typically to the point of being otherworldly.
Resilience The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
Quintessence The most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.
Saudade A deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound longing for something absent or lost, often carrying a repressed knowledge that the object of longing might never return.
Paradox A statement or proposition that, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory.
Vicissitude A change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.
Melancholy A feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause.
Serenity The state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.
Equanimity Mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation.

What Makes Some Words Tricky in English?

Certain words in English can be considered tricky for various reasons. Here are some factors that contribute to the complexity of certain words:

  • Multiple Meanings: Many English words have multiple meanings depending on context. For example, the word “run” can mean to move quickly on foot, to operate or function, or to manage or control.
  • Homophones: English has many words that sound alike but have different meanings and spellings. For example, “their,” “there,” and “they’re” sound the same but have different meanings and uses.
  • Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: Idioms and phrasal verbs are common in English but can be confusing for non-native speakers. These expressions often have meanings that cannot be deduced from the individual words. For example, “kick the bucket” means to die, but the literal meaning is unrelated to death.
  • Irregular Spelling and Pronunciation: English has many words with irregular spelling and pronunciation patterns. For example, the word “colonel” is pronounced “kernel,” which can be confusing for non-native speakers.
  • False Friends: False friends are words in different languages that look or sound similar but have different meanings. For example, the English word “actually” means “currently” in Spanish, leading to potential confusion for Spanish speakers learning English.
  • Technical Vocabulary: Certain fields, such as medicine, law, and technology, have specialized vocabulary that can be challenging to understand for those not familiar with the terminology.
  • Regional Variations: English has many regional variations in vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar. Words that are commonly used in one English-speaking country may not be familiar to speakers from other regions.
  • Slang and Informal Language: Slang and informal language are common in English but may not be taught in traditional language courses. Understanding and using slang words and expressions can be challenging for non-native speakers.
  • Untranslatable Words: Some words in English do not have direct equivalents in other languages, making them difficult to translate. These words often convey complex emotions or concepts that are unique to English-speaking cultures.
  • Contextual Usage: Understanding how and when to use certain words in different contexts can be challenging. For example, knowing when to use formal language versus informal language, or understanding the appropriate register for different situations, requires cultural and linguistic knowledge.

Tricky Words in English

Some other words that are tricky in English are given below along with their meanings and how they have been used in a sentence.



Example Sentence


Having multiple meanings or interpretations; unclear or vague

The politician’s ambiguous statement left journalists puzzled about his stance on the issue.


A confusing or difficult problem or question; a dilemma.

Solving the conundrum of how to balance work and personal life is a challenge for many professionals.


Lasting for a very short time; fleeting or transient.

The beauty of the cherry blossoms is ephemeral, lasting only a few weeks each spring.


Beyond doubt or question; unquestionable or indisputable.

The scientific evidence supporting climate change is indubitable.


To deliberately make something unclear or confusing; to obscure or bewilder.

The politician’s evasive answers obfuscated the true nature of the issue.


Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way; destructive or damaging.

The pernicious effects of smoking on health are well-documented.


Exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic or impractical.

His quixotic quest for perfection often led to disappointment.


Tending to induce drowsiness or sleep; causing boredom or dullness.

The professor’s monotone voice had a soporific effect on the students during the lecture.


Present, appearing, or found everywhere; widespread or omnipresent.

Smartphones have become ubiquitous in modern society.


The defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time.

The music of the 1960s captured the zeitgeist of the era with its messages of social change and revolution.

How to use tricky words?

Including tricky words in English can be challenging but also rewarding for language learners and writers. Here are some strategies for effectively incorporating tricky words into your writing:

  • Understand the Meaning: Before using a tricky word, make sure you fully understand its meaning and context. Look up definitions, examples of usage, and synonyms to ensure you’re using the word correctly.
  • Use in Context: Context is crucial when using tricky words. Ensure that the word fits naturally within the sentence and conveys the intended meaning. Avoid using words simply for the sake of sounding sophisticated.
  • Provide Context Clues: If you’re using a tricky word that may be unfamiliar to your audience, provide context clues to help them understand its meaning. This could include defining the word within the text or providing additional information to clarify its usage.
  • Use Examples: Incorporate examples of how the tricky word is used in different contexts to help illustrate its meaning. This can provide readers with a better understanding of the word’s usage and nuances.
  • Avoid Overuse: While it’s important to expand your vocabulary and use tricky words appropriately, avoid overusing them. Using too many complex or obscure words can alienate readers and make your writing inaccessible.
  • Use Analogies and Comparisons: Sometimes, comparing a tricky word to something more familiar can help readers grasp its meaning. Analogies and comparisons can provide a frame of reference that makes the word easier to understand.
  • Provide Definitions or Footnotes: If you’re writing for an audience that may not be familiar with certain tricky words, consider providing definitions or footnotes to explain their meaning. This can enhance readers’ understanding without interrupting the flow of your writing.
  • Practice Using Tricky Words: Like any skill, incorporating tricky words into your writing takes practice. Experiment with using them in different contexts and seek feedback from others to improve your proficiency.
  • Read Widely: Exposure to a wide range of literature and writing styles can help you become more comfortable with tricky words and their usage. Pay attention to how experienced writers incorporate complex vocabulary into their writing.
  • Edit and Revise: After writing, review your work to ensure that tricky words are used correctly and effectively. Consider whether there are simpler alternatives that convey the same meaning without sacrificing clarity.

Tricky English Words – FAQs

List some tricky english words?

Accept vs. Except, Its vs. It’s, Complement vs. Compliment, Stationary vs. Stationery, Reticent, Sycophant, Zeitgeist are some examples of tricky English words.

What are trick words?

Tricky words are words that usually a bit hard to pronounce, or are difficult to spell. There might also be some words that are very similar in their spellings, have the same pronunciation but carry a different meaning.

How to include tricky words?

At first, we need to know the context to understand the meaning of a tricky word. One can try memorising such tricky words, finding out their meaning and how to use them. Tricky words can be used easily once we start practice using them with the help of examples.

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