70+ New Words in English With Their Meaning

On this page, we will be discussing 70+ new words in English. English has a vast vocabulary with more than 171,000 words in the Oxford Dictionary alone. Dictionary.com says ‘Matilda‘ was the 2023 Word of the Year. New words in English or any other language are the result of invention, compounding, clipping, and borrowing. Several English words are borrowed from different languages. These borrowed words may retain their original form or be adapted to fit the phonetic and grammatical rules of the borrowing language. Words like ‘Yoga’, ‘Karma’, ‘Mantra’, etc, are all borrowed from Sanskrit.

Today, we will explore 70+ new words in English with their meaning and examples.

New Words in English

In this section, we will discuss some unique and new words in English. Understanding their pronunciation, meaning, and usage is very important for individuals planning to improve their English vocabulary.

Technovate (verb)

Meaning: To innovate using technology.

Example: The company decided to technovate its production process, introducing robotics to enhance efficiency.

Brevity (noun)

Meaning: Conciseness or the quality of expressing much in a few words.

Example: The editor appreciated the brevity of the article, conveying the information effectively without unnecessary details.

Ecolize (verb)

Meaning: To make environmentally friendly.

Example: The government is encouraging businesses to ecolize their operations by adopting sustainable practices.

Aplomb (nour)

Meaning: Self-confidence or assurance, especially when in a demanding situation.

Example: Despite the unexpected challenge, she handled the situation with great aplomb.

Mindshare (noun)

Meaning: The level of consumer awareness and attention a brand receives.

Example: The advertising campaign aimed to increase the company’s mindshare in the competitive market.

Emojify (verb)

Meaning: To express or convey emotions through the use of emojis.

Example: Instead of typing a long message, she chose to emojify her response with a smiley face and a thumbs-up.

Ameliorate (verb)

Meaning: To make a situation or condition better or more tolerable.

Example: The new policy was implemented to ameliorate the difficulties faced by the employees.

Quantifyze (verb)

Meaning: To measure and analyze quantitatively.

Example: The research team sought to quantifyze the impact of the new policy on economic growth.

Neurosync (noun)

Meaning: A state of synchronized brain activity, often associated with deep concentration.

Example: The meditation app aims to help users achieve neurosync for improved focus and relaxation.

Innovista (noun)

Meaning: An environment or community focused on continuous innovation.

Example: Silicon Valley is known for being an innovista, with numerous tech startups pushing the boundaries of technology.

Burgeon (verb)

Meaning: To grow or expand rapidly; to flourish.

Example: The tech industry continues to burgeon with innovations and startups.

Datafy (verb)

Meaning: To convert information into a digital or data format.

Example: The new software will datafy the manual record-keeping process, streamlining data management.

Broach (verb)

Meaning: To bring up or introduce a sensitive or difficult subject for discussion.

Example: She decided to broach the topic of budget cuts during the team meeting to address concerns and gather feedback.

Complacent (adjective)

Meaning: Self-satisfied and unconcerned, often in a situation that may require attention.

Example: The team’s complacent attitude towards the competition led to a surprising defeat.

Cacophony (noun)

Meaning: A harsh, discordant mixture of sounds.

Example: The city street was filled with the cacophony of honking horns and construction noises.

Augmentify (verb)

Meaning: To enhance or improve through the use of technology.

Example: The augmented reality glasses will augmentify the user’s experience by overlaying digital information init the real world.

Agog (adjective)

Meaning: very eager or curious o hear or see something.

Example: The children were agog with excitement as they waited for the magician to perform his tricks.

Acrimony (noun)

Meaning: Bitterness or ill-feeling, especially in speech or behaviour.

Example: The negotiations ended with acrimony, as neither party was willing to compromise.

Nomophobia (noun)

Meaning: Fear of being without one’s mobile phone or being unable to use it.

Example: ‘Her nomophobia was evident when she realized she left her phone at home.’

TL;DR (Abbreviation)

Meaning: Too Long; Didn’t Read.

Example: ‘Can you give me a TL;DR version of the article?’

Microplastics (Noun)

Meaning: Extremely small pieces of plastic debris in the environment.

Example: ‘The ocean is polluted with microplastics from various sources.’

Ghosting (Verb)

Meaning: Ending a personal relationship by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication.

Example: ‘After a few dates, he started ghosting her, and she never heard from him again.’

Veganism (Noun)

Meaning: The practice of abstaining from the use of animal products, particularly in diet.

Example: ‘She adopted veganism for both ethical and health reasons.’

Doxx (Verb)

Meaning: To publicly reveal private or personal information about an individual on the internet.

Example: ‘They threatened to doxx the hacker who exposed their secrets.’

Hangry (Adjective)

Meaning: Irritable or angry as a result of hunger.

Example: ‘I need to eat; I’m getting hangry.’

Troll (Noun/Verb)

Meaning: (Noun) A person who deliberately makes inflammatory or provocative online posts; (Verb) To make such posts.

Example: ‘Ignore the trolls; they’re just seeking attention.’

Unplug (verb)

Meaning: To disconnect from electronic devices or take a break from technology.

Example: ‘I decided to unplug for the weekend and enjoy some quiet time.’

Upcycle (Verb)

Meaning: To reuse discarded objects or material in such a way as to create a product of higher quality or value than the original.

Example: ‘She upcycled old furniture into unique pieces for her home.’

Screen Time (Noun)

Meaning: The amount of time spent using electronic devices, particularly screens such as those on smartphones, computers, or TVs.

Example: ‘Parents are concerned about their children’s excessive screen time.’

Infodemic (Noun)

Meaning: An excessive amount of information, often unreliable or misleading, spread among a large number of people, creating confusion and making it difficult to identify trustworthy sources.

Example: ‘During the pandemic, there was an infodemic of misinformation circulating online.’

Sustainify (verb)

Meaning: To make sustainable or environmentally conscious.

Example: The company’s goal is to sustainify its packaging materials to reduce its ecological footprint.

Solarnate (verb)

Meaning: To harness solar energy or convert it to solar power.

Example: The community decided to solarnate their homes, installing solar panels on rooftops for a sustainable energy source.

Amicable (adjective)

Meaning: A relationship, situation, or interaction that is characterized by friendliness, goodwill, and a lack of hostility.

Example: Despite their differences, the two business partners managed to part ways in an amicable manner.

Apotheosis (nour)

Meaning: The highest point or culmination of something; the elevation to divine status.

Example: His remarkable achievements in the field of science were considered the apotheosis of his career.

Cabal (noun)

Meaning: A secret or exclusive group of individuals who work together to achieve a specific, often political or sinister, purpose.

Example: Rumours circulated about a powerful cabal within the government influencing key decisions behind closed doors.

Biomechatron (noun)

Meaning: An advanced robotic or cybernetic system integrated with living organisms.

Example: The scientists developed a biomechatron to assist individuals with mobility impairments.

Bucolic (adjective)

Meaning: Relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside or rural life.

Example: They decided to spend the weekend in a bucolic village to escape the hustle and bustle of the city.

Sociotect (noun):

Meaning: A person skilled in designing and optimizing social structures or systems.

Example: The sociolect proposed a new organizational model to improve collaboration and communication within the company.

Quantumize (verb)

Meaning: To apply principles of quantum physics to solve complex problems.

Example: Researchers are working to quantumize encryption algorithms for enhanced data security.

Genomify (verb)

Meaning: To analyze and interpret genomic data.

Example: The biotech company aims to genomify patient DNA to provide personalized healthcare recommendations.

Careen (verb)

Meaning: To move swiftly or in a headlong manner, often with a lack of control.

Example Usage: The car careened down the steep hill, its brakes failing to slow it down.

Contort (verb)

Meaning: to twist or distort something, especially the body or a part of the body, into an unusual or unnatural shape.

Example: The gymnast contorted her body into a complex and impressive pose during the routine.

Virtuex (noun)

Meaning: A virtual experience or environment that feels extremely realistic.

Example: The new virtual reality game promises a virtuex that immerses players in a lifelike fantasy world.

Dainty (adjective)

Meaning: Something delicately small, elegant, or pretty.

Example: The tea set was adorned with dainty floral patterns.

Mindscape (noun)

Meaning: The collective thoughts, ideas, and mental landscape of a society or group.

Example: The artist’s exhibition explored the mindscape of cultural diversity through various perspectives.

Nanocure (noun)

Meaning: A nanotechnology-based solution for medical treatment or healing.

Example: Scientists are researching nano curesMindMeld to target and treat specific cells for more effective disease management.

Eduverse (noun)

Meaning: An expansive and interconnected educational universe incorporating various learning platforms.

Example: The eduverse includes online courses, interactive simulations, and virtual classrooms for a diverse learning experience.

Biophony (noun)

Meaning: The collective sounds and communication among living organisms in a specific environment.

Example: The biophony of the rainforest is a symphony of diverse animal calls and natural sounds.

Sate (verb)

Meaning: To satisfy a desire or appetite to the full.

Usage: After the long hike, a hearty meal sated their hunger and replenished their energy

Robothon (noun)

Meaning: A competition or event focused on showcasing and developing robotics technology.

Example: The university hosted a robothon to bring together students and professionals in the field of robotics.

Bioharmony (noun)

Meaning: A balanced and sustainable relationship between humans and the environment.

Example: Conservation efforts aim to achieve bioharmony by protecting ecosystems and biodiversity.

Teleportize (verb)

Meaning: To transfer or transmit instantly, as if by teleportation.

Example: The futuristic communication device allows users to teleportize messages across the globe in seconds.

Quantumize (verb)

Meaning: To apply principles from quantum mechanics or technologies to a particular field.

Example: The researchers are working to quantumize computing, exploring the potential of quantum computers.

Synthetopia (noun)

Meaning: An imagined or ideal world where synthetic and organic elements coexist harmoniously.

Example: The artist’s painting depicted a synthetopia, blending futuristic architecture with natural landscapes.

Disconcert (verb)

Meaning: To disturb, unsettle, or make someone feel uneasy or confused, typically by disrupting their composure or expectations.

Example: The unexpected announcement disconcerted the entire audience.

Aerozen (noun)

Meaning: A state of optimal airflow and ventilation.

Example: The architect designed the building with a focus on aerozen, ensuring proper air circulation and energy efficiency.

MindMeld (verb)

Meaning: To connect or merge minds for collaborative thinking or understanding.

Example: The brainstorming session allowed team members to MindMeld, generating innovative solutions together.

Nanogize (verb)

Meaning: To miniaturize or scale down to the nanoscale.

Example: The engineers sought to nanogize the electronic components, making devices smaller and more efficient.

Holoverse (noun)

Meaning: An imagined or virtual universe created through holographic technology.

Example: The immersive game introduced players to a holoverse, where they could explore alternate realities.

Genetech (noun)

Meaning: The field of technology focused on genetic engineering and biotechnology.

Example: Scientists in the genetech industry are working on breakthroughs in personalized medicine.

Biobloom (noun)

Meaning: A term used to describe the flourishing state of biodiversity in a particular ecosystem.

Example: Conservation efforts have led to a biobloom in the once-threatened wetland, attracting a variety of wildlife.

Innoventor (noun)

Meaning: An individual or entity known for inventing innovative solutions or products.

Example: The young entrepreneur quickly gained a reputation as an innoventor after developing a groundbreaking medical device.

Virtuverse (noun)

Meaning: The virtual universe or space within a digital environment.

Example: Gamers across the world connect to explore the vast virtuverse created by the multiplayer online game.

Communivate (verb)

Meaning: To effectively communicate and collaborate in a virtual or remote setting.

Example: Teams need to learn how to communivate seamlessly to maintain productivity in the era of remote work.

Mobilution (noun)

Meaning: A significant societal shift driven by the widespread adoption of mobile technology.

Example: The 21st century has witnessed a mobilution, transforming how people access information and connect with others.

Synthetelligence (noun)

Meaning: The intelligence exhibited by artificial or synthetic entities.

Example: The development of advanced AI systems has led to the emergence of synthetelligence, raising ethical questions about machine decision-making.

Eduventure (noun)

Meaning: An educational journey or experience that combines learning with adventure.

Example: The students embarked on an eduventure, studying marine biology while exploring coral reefs in a hands-on expedition.

Holoscape (noun)

Meaning: An immersive and all-encompassing digital environment, often associated with virtual reality.

Example: The holoscape allowed users to step into a completely virtual world, interacting with digital elements as if they were real.

Feisty (adjective)

Meaning: A person, animal, or thing that is lively, energetic, spirited, and often has a bold or determined attitude.

Example: The team made a feisty comeback in the second half of the game.

Mindprint (noun)

Meaning: A distinctive and individual pattern of cognitive traits and preferences.

Example: The educational software adapts to each student’s mindprint, providing personalized learning experiences.

Rejuvenair (noun)

Meaning: The feeling of refreshment and revitalization experienced in a well-ventilated and clean environment.

Example: The newly designed workspace prioritizes rejuvenair, promoting employee well-being through improved air quality.

New Words in English with their Meaning- FAQs

What are some new words in English?

Here are some new words in English: Synthetelligence, Communivate, Virtuverse, Nanogize, Neurosync, Datafy, Innovista, Augmentify, Biomechatron, etc.

What was the 2023 Word of the Year?

The 2023 Words of the Year was ‘Matilda’. It was the official nickname of Australia’s Women’s National Soccer Team.

What are some popular English words?

Here are some popular English words: Love, Time, Imagine, Focus, Breath, Communicate, Health, Money, Technology, Intelligence, Family, Day, Year, Truth, etc.

What was the 2022 Word of the Year?

According to the Oxford Dictonary, the 2022 Word of the Year was ‘Teal’. Teal was a centrist, independent politicians in Australia.

How many words are there in the Oxford Dictionary?

As per the latest published Oxford Dictionary, there are a total of 273,000 headwords; 171,476 of which are currently in use, 9,500 derivative words and 47,156 being obsolete words.

This was all about the new words in English. We hope the above-listed new words in English will help you improve your English grammar and vocabulary. For more such informative articles, make sure to visit GeekforBeginner.

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