TOEFL ITP vs TOEFL iBT: Which Test is Right for You in 2024?

When it comes to demonstrating your English proficiency for academic or professional purposes, the choice between TOEFL ITP and TOEFL iBT can be crucial. Understanding the key differences, benefits, and suitability of each test is essential for making an informed decision.

In this comprehensive guide, we will compare TOEFL ITP and TOEFL iBT, providing insights into their structure, scoring, and best practices to help you determine which test aligns with your goals in 2024.


Differences Between TOEFL ITP vs TOEFL IBT

The below table provides a clear overview of the differences in format, sections, administration, purpose, and availability between TOEFL ITP and TOEFL iBT, making it easier for test takers to understand and compare the two tests:

Format Paper-based Computer-based
Sections Listening Comprehension
Structure and Written Expression
Reading Comprehension
Delivery Method Test booklet and answer sheet Computer interface with audio and keyboard
Speaking Section Not included Included, test takers respond to prompts orally
Writing Section Not included Included, test takers write essays
Test Administration Typically administered by institutions for internal purposes Widely accepted by universities and institutions for admissions and certification
Purpose Often used for placement or progress evaluation in language programs Accepted for academic and professional purposes worldwide
Score Reporting Immediate scores for Listening and Reading sections Writing and Structure scores delivered later Scores reported approximately 10 days after the test date
Availability Offered less frequently than TOEFL iBT Available year-round at test centers worldwide

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The TOEFL ITP, or Institutional Testing Program, is a paper-based test designed to evaluate English language proficiency. Unlike its internet-based counterpart, TOEFL iBT, TOEFL ITP is typically administered by institutions for internal purposes, such as assessing students’ English proficiency levels for placement in language programs or evaluating progress in English language courses.

The TOEFL ITP consists of three main sections:

  • Listening Comprehension: This section assesses test takers’ ability to understand spoken English. It typically includes recordings of conversations, lectures, and discussions, followed by multiple-choice questions that gauge comprehension.
  • Structure and Written Expression: In this section, test takers are evaluated on their understanding of English grammar and syntax. They are presented with sentences containing errors in structure or expression and are required to identify and correct these errors.
  • Reading Comprehension: This section measures test takers’ ability to understand written English passages. Test takers are presented with academic texts and are required to answer multiple-choice questions based on their comprehension of the passages.

Read More: TOEFL ITP

TOEFL iBT Format

TOEFL iBT, or Internet-Based Test, is a computer-adaptive test that assesses English language proficiency for academic and professional purposes. It is widely accepted by universities, colleges, and institutions around the world for admissions and certification requirements.

The TOEFL iBT comprises four main sections:

  • Reading: Test takers are presented with academic passages and are required to answer questions that assess their ability to comprehend and analyze the content.
  • Listening: This section evaluates test takers’ ability to understand spoken English in academic contexts. Test takers listen to lectures, classroom discussions, and conversations, and then answer questions based on the information presented.
  • Speaking: In this section, test takers are required to express their opinions and ideas on various topics. They respond to prompts by speaking into a microphone, and their responses are recorded and evaluated by trained scorers.
  • Writing: Test takers are tasked with writing essays in response to given prompts. They are evaluated based on their ability to organize ideas, support arguments with evidence, and demonstrate proficiency in written English.

Read More: TOEFL iBT

Administration of TOEFL ITP vs TOEFL IBT

Administered by institutions, such as universities or language schools, typically for internal assessment purposes. Test sessions are arranged by the administering institution, often on-campus or at designated testing centers. Administered globally at authorized test centers equipped with computer labs. Test takers schedule their test dates and locations through the official TOEFL website or authorized test centers.

Availability of Test Dates and Locations

  • TOEFL ITP: Test dates and locations may vary depending on the administering institution’s schedule and availability. Institutions typically offer TOEFL ITP sessions periodically throughout the academic year.
  • TOEFL iBT: Offers test dates throughout the year at authorized test centers worldwide. Test takers can choose from a wide range of dates and locations based on availability at their preferred test center.

Differences in Registration Process

  • TOEFL ITP: Registration process is typically managed by the administering institution. Test takers may need to register through the institution’s website or testing office, following their specific guidelines and procedures.
  • TOEFL iBT: Test takers register for the exam directly through the official TOEFL website or authorized test centers. The registration process involves creating an account, selecting a test date and location, and paying the registration fee online.

Test Content of TOEFL ITP vs TOEFL IBT

The following describes the test content of TOEFL ITP and TOEFL IBT:


  • Depth of Content: Covers fundamental language skills in listening, structure and written expression, and reading comprehension. Questions focus on basic grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension skills.
  • Complexity: Generally straightforward questions assessing foundational language skills.


  • Depth of Content: Covers advanced language skills across reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Questions are designed to assess proficiency in academic English and real-world communication.
  • Complexity: Questions are more varied and may include tasks such as summarizing lectures, expressing opinions orally, and writing essays.

Acceptance and Recognition of TOEFL ITP and TOEFL IBT

TOEFL ITP may serve specific institutional purposes, TOEFL iBT offers broader recognition and acceptance, making it the preferred choice for individuals seeking to demonstrate their English proficiency for academic and professional pursuits on a global scale.


  • Accepted by some universities and institutions for internal purposes, such as placement in language programs or assessing students’ English proficiency levels.
  • Recognized primarily by institutions that administer the test or by organizations affiliated with those institutions.


  • Widely accepted by universities, colleges, and institutions worldwide for admissions, certification, and immigration purposes.
  • Recognized by thousands of institutions globally, including academic institutions, government agencies, and professional organizations.

Comparison of Worldwide Recognition


  • Limited international recognition compared to TOEFL iBT.
  • Primarily recognized by institutions where it is administered, which may be fewer in number compared to institutions recognizing TOEFL iBT.


  • Highly recognized and accepted by universities, colleges, and institutions around the world.
  • Preferred by many institutions for its comprehensive assessment of English language skills and its widespread use in academic and professional settings.

Preparation Resources for TOEFL ITP and TOEFL iBT

Following are the preparation resources for both TOEFL ITP and TOEFL iBT:


  • Study Materials: Limited official study materials are available directly from ETS (Educational Testing Service), the organization that administers TOEFL. However, there are third-party study guides and textbooks that cover the content typically tested in TOEFL ITP.
  • Practice Tests: Third-party publishers may offer practice tests that simulate the format and content of TOEFL ITP.
  • Preparation Courses: Some language schools or institutions may offer preparation courses specifically tailored to TOEFL ITP.


  • Study Materials: Extensive official study materials are available from ETS, including the TOEFL iBT Official Guide, TOEFL Practice Online, and additional resources such as official TOEFL iBT practice tests.
  • Practice Tests: ETS provides official TOEFL iBT practice tests, which closely simulate the actual test-taking experience. Additionally, there are numerous third-party practice tests available.
  • Preparation Courses: Various online platforms, language schools, and test preparation centers offer TOEFL iBT preparation courses, both in-person and online. These courses often include instruction on test strategies, content review, and practice exercises.


It’s important for test takers to budget accordingly and familiarize themselves with the specific fees associated with each test, including any additional charges for services such as rescheduling or score reporting.


  • The cost of taking TOEFL ITP varies depending on the administering institution or testing center.
  • Typically, the fee for TOEFL ITP is lower compared to TOEFL iBT, as it is often used for internal purposes within institutions.
  • Test takers should inquire directly with the administering institution for specific pricing information.


  • The registration fee for TOEFL iBT varies by country but is generally higher than TOEFL ITP due to its wider recognition and acceptance.
  • In the United States, the registration fee for TOEFL iBT is around $200-$250.
  • Additional fees may apply for services such as late registration, rescheduling, score reporting to additional institutions, and obtaining additional score reports.

Read More: TOEFL Fees 2024

Additional Fees


Additional fees may apply for services such as late registration, rescheduling, or ordering additional score reports. These fees vary depending on the policies of the administering institution.


  • ETS charges additional fees for services such as late registration, rescheduling, and sending score reports to additional institutions.
  • The fee for rescheduling a TOEFL iBT test is $60, while the fee for ordering additional score reports is $20 per recipient.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Choosing TOEFL ITP or TOEFL iBT

The following are the advantages and disadvantages of choosing TOEFL ITP or TOEFL iBT:



  • Cost: Generally, TOEFL ITP is less expensive than TOEFL iBT, making it a more affordable option for some test takers.
  • Format: Being a paper-based test, some test takers may find TOEFL ITP more comfortable and less intimidating than TOEFL iBT, especially if they are more accustomed to traditional pen-and-paper exams.
  • Suitability for Institutional Use: TOEFL ITP is commonly used by institutions for internal purposes such as placement testing or progress evaluation in language programs.


  • Limited Recognition: TOEFL ITP is not as widely recognized or accepted as TOEFL iBT, particularly by international universities and institutions.
  • No Speaking or Writing Sections: TOEFL ITP does not include speaking or writing sections, which are crucial for assessing communicative abilities and may be required for academic or professional purposes.
  • Scoring Delay: Scores for the Structure and Written Expression section of TOEFL ITP are not provided immediately, which can delay test takers’ ability to receive comprehensive feedback on their performance.



  • Global Recognition: TOEFL iBT is widely accepted by universities, colleges, and institutions worldwide, making it suitable for individuals seeking to study or work internationally.
  • Comprehensive Assessment: TOEFL iBT assesses all four language skills – reading, listening, speaking, and writing – providing a more comprehensive evaluation of test takers’ English proficiency.
  • Official Preparation Materials: ETS provides official study materials and practice tests specifically designed for TOEFL iBT, offering test takers valuable resources for preparation.


  • Cost: TOEFL iBT registration fees can be higher compared to TOEFL ITP, making it a more expensive option for some test takers.
  • Computer-Based Format: The computer-based format of TOEFL iBT may be challenging for test takers who are not comfortable with technology or typing.
  • Speaking and Writing Pressure: The speaking and writing sections of TOEFL iBT require test takers to express themselves fluently and coherently within a limited time frame, which can be stressful for some individuals.


To sum up, the comparison between the TOEFL ITP and TOEFL iBT highlights how essential it is for anyone seeking to prove their English language competency to understand the major differences between these two tests. Although the goal of both tests is to evaluate language proficiency, there are notable differences between them in terms of structure, content, recognition, and appropriateness for various goals. The decision between the TOEFL ITP and TOEFL iBT ultimately comes down to several variables, including the test’s objective, each person’s preferences, and the resources that are accessible. To make sure they successfully fulfill their language proficiency standards, test takers should carefully assess their objectives and circumstances before choosing the most appropriate test.

Also Check:


What is the main difference between TOEFL ITP and TOEFL iBT?

TOEFL ITP is a paper-based test primarily used for internal institutional purposes, while TOEFL iBT is a computer-based test widely accepted for academic and professional purposes worldwide.

Does TOEFL ITP include speaking and writing sections?

No, TOEFL ITP assesses listening, structure and written expression, and reading comprehension but does not include speaking or writing sections.

How does TOEFL iBT differ in its assessment compared to TOEFL ITP?

TOEFL iBT assesses all four language skills: reading, listening, speaking, and writing, providing a more comprehensive evaluation of English language proficiency.

Are there differences in the availability of test dates for TOEFL ITP and TOEFL iBT?

Yes, TOEFL iBT offers test dates throughout the year at authorized test centers worldwide, while TOEFL ITP test dates may vary depending on the administering institution’s schedule.

Which test is more widely recognized by universities and institutions globally?

TOEFL iBT is widely recognized and accepted by universities, colleges, and institutions worldwide for admissions, certification, and immigration purposes, whereas TOEFL ITP is primarily used for institutional purposes within specific organizations or language programs.

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