Time Difference Between United States and France

The time difference between the United States and France is six hours. It means that the United States is six hours behind France and if the time in the United States is 2:22 PM then the time in France will be 8:22 PM.

Overview of both the countries:

France is a country located in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. The Metropolitan France, which is the mainland of Europe, borders the Bay of Biscay, the English Channel, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Monaco, Andorra, and Luxembourg. Moreover, It is connected to the United Kingdom by the Channel Tunnel, which passes below the English Channel. The government system here is a republic, where the President is the chief of the state and the head of the government is the prime minister. It has a mixed economic system that includes a variety of private freedom, combined with centralized economic planning and government regulation. It is also a member of the European Union i.e. EU. Its capital is Paris city, which is a highly populated city in France. Moreover, the primary language used here is French, and the currency used is the euro.

France has only a one-time zone which is “Central European Summer Time”, which means CEST in short.

The United States, which is officially called as United States of America (USA) is a North American country. It has 48 adjacent states which cover the central continent, the island state of Hawaii, and Alaska, which is located in the utmost part of North America. The area covered by it is 9,834,633 square km. Its overall population is around 336,958,000. Where, the population involves the citizens of European and Middle Eastern ancestry, African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Pacific Islanders, American Indians, and Alaska Natives. Its capital city is Washington DC, which is located at the oceanic head of the river named Potomac.

It has six time zones which are Hawaii Standard Time Zone, Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time Zone, Alaska Daylight Time Zone, Pacific Daylight Time Zone, Mountain Standard Time, and Mountain Daylight Time.

Some Time Zones of the United States and their respective time differences with France:

The time zones of the United States and their respective time differences with France are described below:

  1. Hawaii Standard Time Zone: This time zone covers the city named Honolulu. It is also called HST and has offset UTC -10. Where Paris is 12 hours ahead of Honolulu. So, when the time in Honolulu is 5:00 AM, then the time in Paris is 5:00 PM.
  2. Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time Zone: This time zone covers the city named Adak. It is also called HDT and has offset UTC -9. Where Paris is 11 hours ahead of Adak. So, when the time in Adak is 5:00 AM, then the time in Paris is 4:00 PM.
  3. Alaska Daylight Time Zone: This time zone covers the city named Anchorage. It is also called AKDT and has offset UTC -8. Where Paris is 10 hours ahead of Anchorage. So, when the time in Anchorage is 5:00 AM, then the time in Paris is 3:00 PM.
  4. Pacific Daylight Time Zone: This time zone covers the city named Los Angeles. It is also called PDT and has offset UTC -7. Where Paris is 9 hours ahead of Los Angeles. So, when the time in Los Angeles is 5:00 AM, then the time in Paris is 2:00 PM.
  5. Mountain Standard Time: This time zone covers the city named Phoenix. It is also called MST and has offset UTC -7. Where Paris is 8 hours ahead of Phoenix. So, when the time in Phoenix is 5:00 AM, then the time in Paris is 1:00 PM.
  6. Mountain Daylight Time: This time zone covers the city named Salt Lake City. It is also called MDT and has offset UTC -6. Where Paris is 7 hours ahead of Salt Lake City. So, when the time in Salt Lake City is 5:00 AM, then the time in Paris is 12:00 PM.

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