Teradata Interview Experience | Set 2

Total of 5 rounds 

1. Written – 20 questions (15 from C,DS and algorithms and 5 form OS), 

2. Technical Interview – No Introduction directly they have take into technical discussion. 
       a. write a function which will return the length of the string. the function should return only length(i.e integer), and u should not use any variables(i used recursion). 

       b. reverse a string without using any variable, here you can use your previous defined ur own length function. 

       c. some basic questions on pointers, errors, outputs. 

3. Technical Interview – Completely on Data structures and algorithms 
       a. merge two linked lists with O(n) complexity. 
       b. BST 
       c. A general scenario and we should design it. 
       d. Some basic DS and algos questions like search algos and sorting algos, pros and cons of recursion and iteration. 

4. Technical interview – Again on C 
       a. Hashing questions, 
       b. anagrams problem with efficient algorithm. 
     c. arranging the array in ascending order where array contains random 1’s and 0’s. (some how I impressed the interviewer with different approaches). 

5. HR round – Only on package discussion 

Interviewers are awesome, they will help u to the maximum. Interact with them, ask them some clues, thats it as simple as that. 

last but not least thanks GeekforBeginner without u guys I would not have made it far. 

keep rocking guys ? ? ? 


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