Teradata Interview Experience | Set 1 (On-Campus for Developer Profile)

Recently Teradata visited in our campus for recruitment

First Round: Time: – 40 Minutes
There was total 20 objective questions from C/C++ and OS. Questions was Easy and medium level. Those who have solve 16+ correct questions cracked first round. There is no –ve Marking.

Second Round (Technical): Time: – 1:20 Hours

1. There is a character Array of 20 size. You have to set 102 bit.
Ex – char arr[20] . set 102 bit

3. Discussions about my project.

4. Lots of discussions about internal working of malloc() and free(). What will be happens in following statements?

    int *arr = malloc(100*sizeof(int));

5. What is Balance BST? What is difference between BST and Balance BST?
What is difference between RB Tree and AVL Tree?
Write code for Insertion, Deletion and Traversal of AVL Tree.

6. What is Hashing? Different Hashing techniques. How hashing is implemented internally in C++ STL Library.

7. What is Breath first Search (BFS)? Write Code?Also what is real time Application of BFS?

8. What is compiler? Difference between compiler and interpreter How compiler works internally?
9. Find Bug in the following code with reasons.

   a. int n = 5;
      int arr[n] = {1,2,3,4,5};
      printf(β€œ%d” , arr[4]);
   b. int n;
      int arr[n];

10. How OS Allocated Memory in RAM when your C program loaded into RAM
Discussion of Different memory Segments. What is difference between Stack and heap Segments?

Third Round (Technical): Time:-1:20 Hours

1. Write code to check Two Tree are Identical or Not (Optimize code).

2. Find Height of the tree.

3. What is dequeue? What is the difference between dequeue, circular queue, priority queue and normal queue? Real time applications of all the different types of queues.

4. What is β€œstrstr” functions? Write your own β€œstrstr” functions.I have given NaΓ―ve Solutions. Then he tell me to optimize it. Then I give KMP Algorithm. He satisfies with my answer and he tell that write the code for KMP Algorithm.

5. What is the output of the following statements?

char str[] = β€œβ€;
char *ptr = NULL;
sizeof(str)  _____ ?   sizeof(ptr)  _____ ?
sizeof(*str)  _____ ? sizeof(*ptr)  _____ ?
strlen(str)  _____ ?   strlen(ptr)  _____ ?
*str ________?       *ptr _______?

6. Discussions about my projects.

7. Find the first non-repeating character in the given string (optimize code). https://www.w3wiki.net/given-a-string-find-its-first-non-repeating-character/

8. Find largest continuous sum sub-array. https://www.w3wiki.net/largest-sum-contiguous-subarray/

9. Check the given tree is BST tree or not? https://www.w3wiki.net/a-program-to-check-if-a-binary-tree-is-bst-or- not/
10. Level Order traversal in spiral order

Fourth Round (HR + Technical): Time: – 30 Minutes

1. Tell me about yourself?
2. What you known about Teradata?
3. After next 10 years where you see yourself in the company?
4. Which subject you like most?
5. Anything you have done apart from your academic syllabus?
6. Why you want to join Teradata?
7. Discussion about my project.
8. Between you and your friend if you have to select one whom you will be select?

Fifth Round (Telephonic HR Round): Time: – 30 Minutes

1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Tell something about Teradata.
3. What is your strength and why it is your strength?
4. What was the last time when you had broken the rule?
5. Why I should hire you?

1. Your basic concepts should be good.
2. Good knowledge about C, C++ and OS.
3. Be honest on front of interviewers.
4. Be confidence.
5. Average knowledge of all the data structure and algorithm.

Thank You w3wiki ?

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