TCS Interview Experience for Assistant Consultant 2024

Interview Mode: Virtual

Technical + Manager

Role: Java Developer

Technical Questions :

  1. What is a Functional interface?
  2. Create a Functional interface.
  3. What is Concurrent HashMap in Java?
  4. What is a synchronized keyword in Java?
  5. Difference between findFirst() and findAny()?
  6. How do you handle null values in Java 8?
  7. Remove duplicate strings from the list using Streams
  8. Filter even numbers from a list using Streams
  9. Difference between wait() and sleep()
  10. What is a Daemon thread?
  11. Why String is immutable?
  12. Difference between Singleton and Prototype?
  13. Given an example of Singleton’s scope
  14. What is CASCADE in JPA?
  15. How to optimize the rest API?
  16. What is Caching?
  17. Write a query to fetch the top 3 mark students from a table
  18. What is normalization?

Manager :

  1. What are the Agile Ceremonies?
  2. How will you prioritize the task?

Overall Interview Experience: Good

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