TCS Interview Experience for Assistant System Engineer

We all know before applying to any company we usually reach out to people to get a glimpse of the application and the interview process. Let me share my experience of TCS with you all. I hope this might help you and clear some of your doubts.

I applied for the job in 2019 through an exam organized by TCS at the national level held every year basically known as TCS NQT. It is an online based test held at TCS ION centers. It consists of two rounds:

1. Objective test

This round includes 50 Questions from aptitude, English comprehension up to class 10th standard, and logical, output questions from basic languages along with technical questions (Test Duration: 2 hours)

There were two coding questions that can be written in any of the languages ones preferred i.e. Java, JS, Python, C, C++, etc. If I recall the following questions were asked:

  1. Counting the number of occurrences of a substring in the given string.
  2. For the given string make the first letter of each word in upper case.

These were of easy to moderate difficulty level. One can easily solve these coding questions if he/she has good command over developing logic.

Based on the marks obtained we were categorized into Ninja and Digital groups( The package for the groups differ). I was allocated the Ninja group.

2. Interview

After clearing the initial stage I appeared for face to face interview at the TCS office at Gandhinagar. Both the technical and HR interview were included in the same round. It was a 3 members panel consisting of two technical interviewees and one HR.

The technical question was language-specific questions which I mentioned in my Resume.

  • Questions on HTM and CSS
  • JavaScript functions
  • OOPS Concept

The HR questions include an introduction of mine, my academic qualifications, my future goals, and a few details about TCS. I must say the panel was really friendly and interactive.

There was no delay at any of the stages. Within a few months, I received my offer letter and joining letter as well. And finally, in Oct 2020 I joined TCS.

At last, I would like to suggest you all that be confident while appearing for the interview, even if you don’t know the answer to any of the questions don’t panic or feel anxious simply say “Sorry, I am unable to recall at this moment”. Not just your knowledge but your personality is tested so be interactive.

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