TCS Digital Interview Experience

I had an interview for TCS Digital and it was quite an interesting experience. There were three rounds in total, which I’ll describe in detail below:

Round 1:
The first round was an online test consisting of three parts. The first part had 26 aptitude questions and we were given 40 minutes to complete them. This was quite a challenging section, as we only had less than 2 minutes per question. The second part had 15 advanced aptitudes and the third part had 2 coding questions. I was told that if I could solve at least one coding question, my chances of qualifying for TCS Digital would be quite high.

Round 2:
The second round was conducted on Microsoft Teams and there were three panelists – a Technical Round (TR), a Managerial Round (MR), and a Human Resources (HR) Round. The total time given was 30 minutes. First, the TR panelist asked me to introduce myself and then asked me some questions based on my resume, specifically related to web development. Some of the questions she asked were:

  • What is the use of state hook in React?
  • What are props in React?
  • What is the difference between let, const, and var?
  • What is an arrow function?
  • What are the ES6 features?
  • What is Websocket?

    After these questions, she asked me to share my screen and open a notepad for coding questions. She asked me to write JavaScript code for the sum of two numbers using a callback function and to write code to find repeating characters in a string.

Round 3:
The third round was a final HR round. The panelist asked me to tell her something about myself and then asked why I wanted to join TCS. This was a brief round, but it was important to showcase my enthusiasm for the company and the position.

Overall, the interview experience was challenging but exciting. I feel that I was able to showcase my skills and knowledge in web development and programming. I hope this experience will help you get selected for TCS Digital

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