TCS Digital Interview Experience

After the TCS NQT test, interviews were conducted at their offices. My interview went for around 60 mins. After introducing myself they asked me to tell them something which is not present in my resume. They asked about my favorite subjects and also about the subjects which I would learn in the current semester and then the actual interview started.

They usually conduct three rounds(technical+HR+Managerial)

Technical: You will be asked questions based on your resume. So make sure that you are totally thorough with your resume. The technical interview covered a wide range of topics like Object Oriented Programming, Data Structures, Java, C, C++, etc The following questions were asked of me in the technical round:

  • In simple terms, explain what is Blockchain Technology.
  • Is Bitcoin a part of Blockchain or vice versa?
  • What are AI, ML, and Deep Learning?
  • What is Big Data Analytics?
  • Explain Exception Handling with an example.
  • What is the use of the “finally” block in exception handling?
  • Explain the pillars of object-oriented programming namely abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance.
  • Explain Overloading and Overriding.
  • What is Final?
  • Difference between JDK and JRE.
  • What is JVM?
  • Name various data types in Java.
  • Why multiple inheritance is not there in Java?
  • Why pointers are not there in Java?
  • What is a Static variable and method in Java?
  • Can you overload the main method?
  • What kind of errors are there in Java?
  • What are the advantages of Java?
  • Name some errors and exceptions.
  • What is the superclass of Exception?

NOTE: Always be ready with the current trending technologies being in buzz right now in the current market scenario

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