Modules extends the Prototype JavaScript Framework by adding more accessibility features to your webpage. These features are divided into several modules....
read more Drag & Drop accept Option
This Drag & Drop accept Option is used to create an active accept condition where you can drag a draggable element to a drop area. In that drop area, the element will be placed if the accept class is the same as the class of your draggable element....
read more BlindUp Effect
In this article, we will demonstrate the effect of Blind Up by using a JavaScript library called The BlindUp effect offers a smooth blinding transition to the element. We can also adjust the duration of this effect as well....
read more Drag & Drop hoverclass Option
This Drag & Drop hoverclass Option is used create a active hoverclass where you can drag a drag-able element to a drop area. In that drop area, the element will be placed. This is a name of a CSS class which will be added to an element while the droppable option is active....
read more Sorting ghosting Option
The ghosting option in the Sortable module is used to enable the user to make a semi-transparent copy of the element that is moved along with the mouse pointer. Its default value is ‘false’, which means no copy is made....
read more Drag & Drop onDrag Option
The library is a cross-browser library that aims at improving the user interface of a website. The Drag & Drop module can be used to make any element drag-gable and also enables them to be dropped in a drop zone....
read more Sorting Elements
Sortable provides the ability to user to create many draggable elements within the container. When you create a Sortable, it automatically creates the corresponding Draggable and Droppable for the container....
read more Drag & Drop onDrop Option
This Drag & Drop onDrop Option is used to call the callback function which is called when a suitable drag-gable element is dropped onto the drop target and the target accepts it....
read more Drag & Drop snap Option
The snap option in the Drag and Drop module is used to make a draggable element snap to a grid or constrain its movement in the defined space. It is set to false by default. It can be defined with a single value or a function that will define the places where the element would snap....
read more Drag & Drop onHover Option
The library is a cross-browser library that aims at improving the user interface of a website. The Drag & Drop module can be used to make any element drag-gable and also enables them to be dropped in a drop zone....
read more Fade Effect
The Effect.fade() method can be used to fade away from the DOM. The Effect.Fade() can be used with Effect.Appear() method to fade away the content and then show it again....
read more Sorting tag Option
The tag option in the Sortable module is used to specify the type of elements that have to be made sortable in the container. Its default value is ‘li’, which is the list element....
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