How to Send Email using Node.js ?
Sending emails is a common task in many applications, whether it be for sending notifications, account verification, password resets, or other communication needs. Node.js, with its event-driven and non-blocking architecture, is well-suited for performing such tasks. In this article, we’ll explore how to send emails using Node.js. We will cover setting up a mail transport, composing the email, and sending it....
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How to Run Java Code in Node.js ?
Running Java code within a Node.js environment can be useful for integrating Java-based libraries or leveraging Java’s robust capabilities within a JavaScript application. This article will guide you through the steps required to execute Java code from a Node.js application, covering various methods and tools available to facilitate this integration....
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How to exit process in Node.js ?
In this article, we will see how to exit in NodeJS application. There are different types of methods to exit in Nodejs application, here we have discussed the following four methods....
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How to Display Images using Handlebars in Node.js ?
In this article, we will discuss how to display images using handlebars in Node.js. You may refer to this article for setting up handlebars View Engine in Node.js...
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Razorpay Payment Integration using Node.js
Payment gateway is a technology that provides online solutions for money-related transactions, it can be thought of as a middle channel for e-commerce or any online business, which can be used to make payments and receive payments for any purpose....
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Node.js console.log() Function
The console.log() function from console class of Node.js is used to display the messages on the console. It prints to stdout with newline....
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How to call ‘npm start’ though docker ?
The following article covers how to call npm start through docker. While doing so, we will dockerize a simple React App....
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Difference between npm install and npm update in Node.js
NPM is like a powerhouse for Node.js  that contains all the necessary modules for the smooth running of the node.js application. It gets installed on our machine when we install Node.js on our Windows, Linux or MAC OS....
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How Set Default Timezone in Node.js for Windows ?
Node.js is mainly used for non-blocking, event-driven servers because of its single-threaded nature. It is utilized for traditional websites and back-end API services but was created with real-time, push-based architectures in mind. By default, Node.js uses the system’s timezone for date and time operations. However, there may be situations where you need to set a specific timezone for your Node.js application regardless of the system’s timezone settings. This article will walk you through the process of setting the default timezone in Node.js for Windows. Additionally, we will cover how to install Node.js....
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Node.js substr() function
The substr() function is a string function of Node.js which is used to extract sub-string from the given string....
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Difference between app.use() and app.get() in Express.js
Express.js, a popular web application framework for Node.js, provides a powerful set of methods for routing HTTP requests. Among these methods, app.use() and app.get() are two fundamental functions that serve different purposes. Understanding their differences is essential for building efficient and well-structured Express applications....
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How to make Mongoose multiple collections using Node.js ?
Mongoose is an Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB. It defines a strongly-typed-schema, with default values and schema validations which are later mapped to a MongoDB document....
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