Laravel | CSRF Protection
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a type of attack that performed by the attacker to send requests to a system with the help of an authorized user who is trusted by the system....
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What are the differences and Similarities Between Lumen and Laravel?
Before diving into deep you have to know what are those things so Lumen is a microservice and Laravel is a full-stack framework....
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Laravel | Controller Basics
Laravel is an MVC based PHP framework. In MVC architecture, ‘C‘ stands for ‘Controller‘. A Controller is that which controls the behavior of a request. It handles the requests coming from the Routes. In Laravel, a controller is in the ‘app/Http/Controllers’ directory. All the controllers, that are to be created, should be in this directory....
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Laravel Google reCaptcha without package
Captcha validation is extremely vital for safeguarding kind submission from the sender. It helps us to protect specious kind submissions to our website by bots. There are several captcha solutions for reducing spam kind submission. Out of these, the Google reCaptcha is safer, reliable, and most important is it’s free. If you are looking for how to add Google reCaptcha in your website then this article is useful for you. In this article, we learn about, using laravel framework how to add Google reCaptcha without adding external package installation....
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Difference Between Laravel and CodeIgniter Framework in PHP
Laravel Laravel is a PHP based framework...
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Laravel | Front-end Scaffolding
Front-end Scaffolding means to create a basic structure for an application. Laravel provides a very simple way to change the front-end presets/scaffolding with any of the other available scaffolding like Bootstrap, Vue and React....
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Laravel | Directory Structure
When you will create your fresh Laravel application, it will contain a large number of folders as shown in image below:...
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Laravel | Routing Basics
Once you have installed Laravel and your basic Web App is up and running. Let’s just look more deeply into the framework and see how we can work with routes....
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Laravel | Migration Basics
In Laravel, Migration provides a way for easily sharing the schema of the database. It also makes the modification of the schema much easier. It is like creating a schema once and then sharing it many times. It gets very useful when you have multiple tables and columns as it would reduce the work over creating the tables manually....
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Laravel | Installation and Configuration
Laravel is a PHP framework that makes building complex web applications a cakewalk. In this guide you are going to learn how to Install and Configure Laravel and get your first Laravel project running in your computer....
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Laravel | View Basics
Laravel is an MVC based PHP framework. In MVC architecture, V stands for View. The View is data that is going to be displayed to the user on their browser and the user can interact with it. It is simply an interface provided to the user for interaction....
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Difference Between Laravel and Ruby on Rails
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