Frequency of a Substring in a String
Given an input string and a pattern, the task is to find the frequency of occurrences of the string pattern in a given string....
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Count substrings of a given string whose anagram is a palindrome
Given a string S of length N containing only lowercase alphabets, the task is to print the count of substrings of the given string whose anagram is palindromic....
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Check if a Palindromic String can be formed by concatenating Substrings of two given Strings
Given two strings str1 and str2, the task is to check if it is possible to form a Palindromic String by concatenation of two substrings of str1 and str2....
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Find frequency of each character with positions in given Array of Strings
Given an array, arr[] consisting of N strings where each character of the string is lower case English alphabet, the task is to store and print the occurrence of every distinct character in every string....
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Partition string into two substrings having maximum number of common non-repeating characters
Given a string str, the task is to find the maximum count of common non-repeating characters that can be obtained by partitioning the given string into two non-empty substrings....
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Find the elements appearing even number of times in an Array
Given an array arr[] consisting of N positive numbers in the range [1, N], the task is to print the array elements which appear even number of times in the given array....
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Find maximum element among the elements with minimum frequency in given Array
Given an array arr[] consisting of N integers, the task is to find the maximum element with the minimum frequency....
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Maximum frequencies in each M-length subarray
Given an array arr[] consisting of N integers and a positive integer M, the task is to find the maximum frequency for each M-length subarray ( 0 < M ? N)....
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Count subarrays having each distinct element occurring at least twice
Given an array arr[] of size N, the task is to count the number of subarrays from the given array, such that each distinct element in these subarray occurs at least twice....
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Count pairs from two arrays having sum equal to K
Given an integer K and two arrays A1 and A2, the task is to return the total number of pairs (one element from A1 and one element from A2) with a sum equal to K....
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Replace every elements in the array by its frequency in the array
Given an array of integers, replace every element by its frequency in the array....
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Sum of all even frequency elements in Matrix
Given a NxM matrix of integers containing duplicate elements. The task is to find the sum of all even occurring elements in the given matrix. That is the sum of all such elements whose frequency is even in the matrix....
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