XHTML Introduction
XHTML or EXtensible HyperText Markup Language is a mix of HTML and XML, very similar to HTML but stricter. It’s like a rulebook for creating web pages that browsers easily understand. Unlike HTML, you have to be careful and follow the rules exactly. Most browsers support it. Just think of it as a more precise way to write web code....
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XMPP Protocol
XMPP is a short form for Extensible Messaging Presence Protocol. It’s protocol for streaming XML elements over a network in order to exchange messages and present information in close to real-time....
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Read XML file and print the details as tabular data by using JavaScript
To read the XML file and print the details of an XML file in a Tabular form by using JavaScript. We need to create an XML file with the data we want to print. XML stands for Extensible Markup Language· It is a markup language very similar to HTML. The main purpose of the XML file is to store and transport the data. Creating an XML file is very simple because it uses custom tags....
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Begin Web Development with a Head Start
To get a head start in web development, you can take the following steps:...
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XML | Elements
The XML elements are the basic building block of the XML document. It is used as a container to store text elements, attributes, media objects etc. Every XML documents contain at least one element whose scopes are delimited by start and end tags or in case of empty elements it is delimited by an empty tag....
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Introduction to XPath
XPath(XML Path) is an expression that is used to find the element or say node in the XML document. In Selenium it is commonly used to find the web elements....
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XML | Syntax
Prerequisite: XML | Basics In this article, we are going to discuss XML syntax rule which is used while writing an XML document or an XML application. It is a very simple and straight forward to learn and code. Below is a complete XML document to discuss each component in detail....
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How to generate an XML file dynamically using PHP?
A file can be generated using PHP from the database, and it can be done by the static or dynamic method in PHP. Static methods can be called directly – without creating an instance of a class. Here we are going to discuss how to create an XML file dynamically....
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HTML | Responsive full page image using CSS
Responsive Web design (RWD), is a design strategy developed to cope with the amazing popularity of mobile devices for viewing the Web. Responsive images are an important component of responsive Web design (RWD), Responsive web design is a new approach to website design that ensures users have a good viewing experience no matter what type of device they’re using. Building separate sites for every type of device simply wouldn’t be sustainable. Instead, we can use the concept of responsive design, which calls for building flexible and fluid layouts that adapt to almost any screen....
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How to Convert XML data into JSON using PHP ?
In this article, we are going to see how to convert XML data into JSON format using PHP....
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How to display XML data in web page using PHP ?
In this article, we are going to display data present in an XML file on a web page using PHP through the XAMPP server. PHP is a server-side scripting language that is mainly for processing web data. The XML stands for an extensible markup language....
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Difference between HTML XHTML & DHTML
When it comes to web development, understanding the nuances of different markup languages is essential. In this article, we will understand the distinctions between HTML, XHTML, and DHTML—three cornerstones of the web....
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