How to Read CSV files in React.js ?
CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files are a common format for storing and exchanging tabular data. When working with React.js, reading and parsing CSV files can be a useful task for handling data input. To read CSV files in React JS we have to use external libraries as there in no inbuilt methods available for it....
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How to create a Read More component in ReactJS?
Creating a Read More component in React JS refers to hiding and displaying the text content on the page. It can be achieved by setting the state variable and display the content accordingly....
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How to use Card Component in React JS?
Cards contain content and actions about a single subject. Material UI for React has this component available for us, and it is very easy to integrate. We can use the Card Component in ReactJS using the following approach....
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How to build an HTML table using ReactJS from arrays ?
To build an HTML table using ReactJS from arrays we can use the array methods to iterate to iterate the elements and create the table rows...
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How to Dockerize a ReactJS App ?
Docker is an open-source containerization platform used for building, running, and managing applications in an isolated environment. A container is isolated from another and bundles its software, libraries, and configuration files. Containers share resources with other containers running on the same host OS and provide OS-level isolation that is far more efficient than virtualization. This enables us to manage our infrastructure in the same way as we do our applications.  React is a Javascript library created and maintained by Meta Inc. for building user interfaces or UI components. It is free, open-source and one of the most popular Javascript in the world....
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How to store single cache data in ReactJS ?
Storing Data in a cache is an important task in web applications. We can cache some data into the browser and use it in our application whenever needed. Caching is a technique that helps us to store a copy of a given resource in our browser and serve it back when requested....
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How to get the enter key in ReactJS ?
Let us create a React project and then we will create a UI that takes input from users. Users can interact with the UI and press Enter Key to trigger an event through this....
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How to create Image Slider in ReactJS ?
Image Slider is a dynamic web element that displays a collection of images and has a slider to switch between the Images. It is the most common feature to show image collection in web applications or mobile apps....
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How to tell ReactJS to build project in Production mode ?
React production build creates minified bundles, lighter-weight source maps, and optimized assets. This improves the load time. React recommends using production mode while deploying the React app. We now know that production build helps in optimizing performance....
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How to log-out user from app using ReactJS ?
The objective of this article is to how we can set up, log out a user, and retrieve data from local memory User Browser storage in the React app. During the sign-in session, we will save the user details to the browser’s local storage, and also during the time of logout, we will remove the user’s details from the local storage....
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How to copy text to the clipboard in React.js ?
Copying text to the clipboard in React JS is a common requirement in web applications, and React.js provides an easy way to accomplish this task. In this article, we will explore different methods to copy text to the clipboard in a React.js application....
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How to use Google Fonts in React?
Google Fonts is a widely used popular library of open-source web fonts that provides a vast collection of typefaces to enhance the visual appeal of web applications. Google Fonts provides a vast collection of free and high-quality fonts that can easily be integrated into your React applications....
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