Spectre Popovers
The Spectre Popovers are one of the useful components in Spectre. Popovers are used in buttons or in input fields to notify the user about what the button is for or what is the input field is asking. It can also be used as a notification, like supposing the user has put the password, the popover can pop out from the input field and highlighted the wrong information provided by the user....
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Spectre Avatar presence
Spectre Avatar presence is used to set the indicator of the presences. We can add an <i> element and place a avatar-presence class inside that element and add online, away or busy whatever you want to show....
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Spectre Steps
Spectre Steps is used to design a progress bar consisting of, as you have seen in shopping platforms or any companies job portals. In the shopping platform, the shopping status is shown in the steps bars. And in job platforms, your interview steps are shown with the help of this component....
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Spectre Object icons
The Icon.css is a single element which is responsive and pure css icons. There are three types of icons Navigation icons, Action icons, and Object icons. Here in this articles we will know about the Object icons. Spectre Object icons are used on any object related element....
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Spectre Forms Form Radio
The Spectre Forms provide the most common control component used in regular forms. In this article, we will discuss the form radio. The form radio is an important component that is required to get the boolean option from the user as usual....
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Spectre Meters
Spectre Meters represent the value within the known range. Meter is an important component of development, by using the meter class in Spectre we can create a meter field. We can indicate the meter status by its color which can be defined by using the attributes....
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Spectre Carousels
In this article, we will see how to create an image slide show for your webpage to make it look more attractive. Carousel is used to create an image slide show for the webpage to make it look more attractive....
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Spectre Breadcrumbs
Spectre Breadcrumbs offers us to design breadcrumbs. Breadcrumbs are used to indicate the current page’s location within a navigational hierarchy....
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Spectre Filters
Spectre filters are useful if we want to create any database and search for particular data. In spectre, we have filter class to create a visual effect. We can create two types of filtration, one is a radio type, and another one is a checkbox type....
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Spectre Progress
A progress bar is used to display the progress of a process. A progress bar helps us to visualize how much of the process is complete and how much is left. Spectre Progress is used to create a similar bar to display the progress....
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Spectre Comparison sliders
The Spectre Comparison slider is an image comparison slider that essentially aids in the distinction of two photographs or products. As a result, the user can quickly determine which of the two products or two images are better. In this article, we will create that with ease with the Spectre classes....
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Spectre Form disabled styles
The Spectre Forms provide the most common control component used in regular forms. In this article, we will discuss the form disabled styles. Spectre Forms Form disabled styles is used to disable the form input field. Only the use of the disabled attribute can disable that field....
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