JavaScript Arithmetic Unary Plus(+) Operator
The Unary plus(+) operation is a single operand operator (which means it worked with only a single operand preceding or succeeding to it), which is used to convert its operand to a number, if it isn’t already a number....
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JavaScript Logical OR assignment (||=) Operator
This operator is represented by x ||= y  and it is called a logical OR assignment operator. If the value of x is falsy then the value of y will be assigned to x....
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Bitwise AND Assignment (&=) Operator in JavaScript
The Bitwise AND Assignment Operator is represented by “&=”. This operator uses the binary representation of both operands and performs the bitwise AND operation and then assigns the result to the left operand....
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Why is === faster than == in PHP ?
The Comparison Operator == (Equality operator) and === (Identity Operator) are used to compare two values. They are also known as the loosely equal (==) operator and the strict identical (===) operator....
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What is the use of Null Coalesce Operator ?
PHP 7 introduced a null-coalescing operator with ?? syntax. This operator returns its first operand if its value has been set and it is not NULL, otherwise it will return its second operand. This operator can be used in a scenario where the programmer wants to get some input from the user and if the user has skipped the input, some default value has to be assigned to the variable....
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PHP Program to Perform Arithmetic Operations
This article will show you how to perform arithmetic operations in PHP. The arithmetic operators are used to perform simple mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc....
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JavaScript Remainder Assignment(%=) Operator
JavaScript remainder assignment operator (%=) assigns the remainder to the variable after dividing a variable by the value of the right operand....
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JavaScript Arithmetic Unary Negation(-) Operator
The Unary negation(-) operation is a single operand operator (which means it worked with only a single operand preceding or succeeding to it), which is used to convert its operand to a negative number, if it isn’t already a negative number....
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Bitwise OR Assignment (|=) Operator in JavaScript
The Bitwise OR Assignment Operator in Javascript is represented by (|=). This operator is used to perform a bitwise OR operation on both operands and assign the result to the left operands....
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Multiplication Assignment(*=) Operator in JavaScript
Multiplication Assignment Operator(*=) in JavaScript is used to multiply two operands and assign the result to the right operand....
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How to write a function to get rows from database by multiple columns conditionally ?
MongoDB, the most popular NoSQL database, we can get rows from the database by multiple columns conditionally from MongoDB Collection using the MongoDB collection.find() function with the help of $or or $and operators. The mongodb module is used for connecting the MongoDB database as well as used for manipulating the collections and databases in MongoDB....
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Difference between a || b < 0 and a < 0 || b < 0 in JavaScript ?
Both expression almost looks the same when we focused on the || (Or) operator, but both expressions are different from each other. To know the final conclusion, we have to get the knowledge of the || (Or) operator first....
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