How to Find the Version of an Installed NPM Package in Node.js ?
NPM is the default package manager for Node.js. NPM manages both internal and external packages or modules used in various Node.js applications. The default packages in NPM may not fulfil all the needs of a developer, so we often require external packages. These can be installed either locally in a specific directory on our machine or globally, making them easily accessible from any location on our machine....
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How to Sanitize Your File Names using the ‘sanitize-filename’ npm Package ?
The ‘sanitize-filename’ is a very important and useful npm package that can be used to sanitize file names by removing all the unwanted characters or white spaces from the file name and making it a proper file name according to the specific file system or operating system....
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How to document NPM packages ?
In this article, we will see how to write the documentation of an NPM package. Documentation is an essential part of any NPM package because it gives an idea about the package method and how to use them. Good documentation makes your npm package popular npm packages. The Documentation of the npm package depends on many factors, see the step-by-step procedure....
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How to Generate Random and Unique Password in Node.js using ‘generate-password’ NPM Module ?
The “generate-password” module is a very useful and important external NPM module that can generate unique and random passwords for our projects. One of the main advantages of using this module is that it allows developers to easily generate passwords with various requirements, such as length, complexity, and character sets. This can save developers a lot of time and effort, as they don’t have to write their own password generation code from scratch....
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How to Get a List of Globally Installed NPM Packages in npm ?
Learning how to retrieve a list of globally installed NPM packages is essential for developers managing their Node.js environment. Utilizing npm, the Node Package Manager, enables users to efficiently manage packages across projects....
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How to Create and Manipulate PDF Documents in Node.js with ‘PDFKit’ Module ?
It is a very important and useful NPM package that can create and manipulate PDF documents. It can create simple and complex pdf documents which support texts, images, vector graphics, tables, etc. in the documents. This module can be used in creating invoices, reports, etc. which require complete control over formatting and layout....
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How to Install NPM FS in Node JS ?
The file system module allows you to work with the file system on your computer NodeJS includes the fs module, to communicate with file systems. It provides functionality for interacting with the file system, such as reading from and writing to files, creating and removing directories, etc. The File System module in NodeJS is one of the most important and helpful modules....
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Axios npm – How to Install Axios npm in Terminal?
Axios is a popular JavaScript library for making HTTP requests in web applications. It simplifies the process of sending asynchronous requests and handling responses. It is commonly used with Node.js and in browser-based projects and can be installed via NPM (Node Package Manager)....
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npm cache clean – How to Clear the Cache in NPM ?
Clearing the cache in NPM (Node Package Manager) is very important. It helps to resolve various issues and ensures smooth functioning of the Node.js projects. The NPM cache stores downloaded packages and their metadata, which can sometimes become corrupted or outdated, leading to installation problems, dependency conflicts, or other issues....
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Pluralize and Singularize any Word using the ‘pluralize’ NPM Module
The ‘pluralize‘ npm module is a very important and useful NPM module that can convert singular English words to their plural form and vice versa also. This module uses a pre-defined list of rules, applied in order, to singularize or pluralize a given word which can be used in node.js applications or projects....
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How to Resolve npm Command Not Found Error in Node.js
Node JS is a powerful platform for building server-side applications using JavaScript. Alongside Node JS, npm (Node Package Manager) is used commonly for managing dependencies and packages within NodeJS projects....
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How to override nested NPM dependency versions?
In projects the packages download and used using npm are called dependency and each dependencies can have their own nested dependencies that also gets downloaded. These nested dependency creates conflicts due to the presence of multiple version of the same dependency. This will lead to issues like compatibility, security vulnerabilities, and unexpected behavior....
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