How to remove the first character of string in PHP?
Remove the very first character of a given string in PHP Examples:...
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How to read user or console input in PHP ?
In PHP, the console is a command-line interface, which is also called interactive shell. We can access it by typing the following command in a terminal:...
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How to include one CSS file in another?
Yes, It is possible to include one CSS file in another and it can be done multiple times. Also, import various CSS files in the main HTML file or the main CSS file. It can be done by using the @import keyword....
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Removing Array Element and Re-Indexing in PHP
In order to remove an element from an array, we can use unset() function which removes the element from an array and then use array_values() function which indexes the array numerically automatically....
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HTML | Design Form
What is HTML Form?...
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What is the difference between SCSS and SASS ?
SCSS and SASS are both syntaxes of the SASS preprocessor, enhancing CSS with advanced features. SCSS uses a CSS-like syntax and file extension `.scss`, making it easier for developers familiar with CSS. SASS, using `.sass`, has a more concise, indentation-based syntax....
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How to wait for a promise to finish before returning the variable of a function ?
Here a promise is a returned object from an asynchronous function, and callback methods can be added based on the previous function’s result. It is done for back-to-back execution of functions acting like a queue or chain of functions. So as the functions are in the queue, the functions following it must wait for the previous function’s result....
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Multidimensional arrays in PHP
Multi-dimensional arrays are such type of arrays which stores an another array at each index instead of single element. In other words, define multi-dimensional arrays as array of arrays. As the name suggests, every element in this array can be an array and they can also hold other sub-arrays within. Arrays or sub-arrays in multidimensional arrays can be accessed using multiple dimensions....
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Binary Search In JavaScript
Binary Search is a searching technique that works on the Divide and Conquer approach. It is used to search for any element in a sorted array. Compared with linear, binary search is much faster with a Time Complexity of O(logN), whereas linear search works in O(N) time complexity...
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How does inline JavaScript work with HTML ?
You can include inline JavaScript directly within the HTML body using the <script> tag. Unlike linking an external JavaScript file with the src attribute, inline JavaScript is written directly within the <script> tags. This method allows for quick implementation of JavaScript functionalities within specific HTML elements or sections of a webpage....
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Java Servlet and JDBC Example | Insert data in MySQL
Prerequisites: Servlet, JDBC Connectivity...
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Javascript | Program to read text File
Given a text file, write a JavaScript program to extract the contents of that file. There is a built-in Module or in-built library in NodeJs that handles all the reading operations called fs (File-System). It is basically a JavaScript program (fs.js) where a function for reading operations is written. Import fs-module in the program and use functions to read text from the files in the system....
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