JavaScript RegExp \s Metacharacter
The RegExp \s Metacharacter in JavaScript is used to find the whitespace characters. The whitespace character can be a space/tab/new line/vertical character. It is the same as [ \t\n\r]....
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JavaScript RegExp(Regular Expression)
A regular expression is a character sequence defining a search pattern. It’s employed in text searches and replacements, describing what to search for within a text. Ranging from single characters to complex patterns, regular expressions enable various text operations with versatility and precision....
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How to validate URL using regular expression in JavaScript?
Validating URLs using regular expressions in JavaScript involves crafting patterns to match URL formats, ensuring they adhere to standards like scheme, domain, and optional path or query parameters. This regex pattern verifies the structure and components of a URL string for validity....
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JavaScript RegExp test() Method
The RegExp test() Method in JavaScript is used to test for match in a string. If there is a match this method returns true else it returns false....
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How to replace line breaks with br tag using JavaScript ?
In JavaScript, you can replace line breaks (\n or \r\n) with <br> tags in a string using different approaches. But before learning the approaches, let’s see an example....
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How to replace characters except last with the specified mask character in JavaScript ?
In this article, we have given a number and the task is to replace the characters except for the last character with a specified mask character in JavaScript....
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JavaScript RegExp [0-9] Expression
The RegExp [0-9] Expression in JavaScript is used to search any digit which is between the brackets. The character inside the brackets can be a single digit or a span of digits....
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How to use a Variable in Regular Expression in JavaScript ?
Regexps can be used in JavaScript to build dynamic patterns that match various strings depending on the value of the variable. In this article, we will see how to utilize the variable with the regular expression. In this article, we will see, how to use a Variable in Regular Expression in JavaScript...
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JavaScript RegExp exec() Method
The exec() Method in JavaScript is used to test for the match in a string. If there is a match this method returns the first match else it returns NULL....
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JavaScript RegExp \W Metacharacter
The RegExp \W Metacharacter in JavaScript is used to find the nonword character i.e. characters which are not from a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9. It is the same as [^a-zA-Z0-9]....
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JavaScript RegExp Reference
RegExp stands for Regular Expression. A regular expression is a sequence of characters that forms a search pattern. The search pattern can be used for text search and text to replace operations. A regular expression can be a single character or a more complicated pattern....
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JavaScript RegExp \D Metacharacter
The RegExp \D Metacharacter in JavaScript is used to search non-digit characters i.e all the characters except digits. It is the same as [^0-9]....
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