Throwing an Error “cannot read property style of null” in JavaScript
In this article, we will see how we may receive an error “cannot read property style of null” in JavaScript, along with understanding the cause to get this error with the help of an example, and thereafter we will try to understand how we may correct it with certain small changes in the code snippet....
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AJAX Error: TypeError: ‘arguments’, ‘callee’, and ‘caller’ cannot be accessed in this context
In this article, we will see the “TypeError: ‘arguments’, ‘callee’, ‘caller’ cannot be accessed in this context”. This error is shown differently in different browsers. For example, the error mentioned above is shown by safari, but, if you are in V8-base or firefox, browser, the error will be “‘caller’, ‘callee’, and ‘arguments’ properties may not be accessed on strict mode functions or the arguments objects for calls to them”....
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JavaScript SyntaxError – Malformed formal parameter
This JavaScript exception malformed formal parameter occurs if the argument list of a Function() constructor call is not valid....
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JavaScript TypeError – Setting getter-only property “x”
This JavaScript exception setting getter-only property works in strict-mode only and occurs if the user tries to set a new value to a property for which only a getter is specified....
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JavaScript Error() constructor
Javascript Error() constructor is used to create a new error object. Error objects are arising at runtime errors. The error object also uses as the base object for the exceptions defined by the user....
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JavaScript SyntaxError – Illegal character
This JavaScript exception illegal character occurs if there is an invalid or unexpected token that doesn’t belong there in the code....
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JavaScript SyntaxError – Function statement requires a name
This JavaScript exception function statement requires a name that occurs if there is any function statement in the script which requires a name....
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JavaScript TypeError – “X” is not a function
This JavaScript exception is not a function that occurs if someone trying to call a value from a function, but in reality, the value is not a function....
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JavaScript SyntaxError – “0”-prefixed octal literals and octal escape sequences are deprecated
This JavaScript exception 0-prefixed octal literals and octal escape sequences are deprecated works in strict mode only. For octal literals, the “0o” prefix can be used instead....
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JavaScript SyntaxError – Missing = in const declaration
This JavaScript exception missing = in const declaration occurs if a const is declared and value is not provided(like const ABC_DEF;). Need to provide the value in same statement (const ABC_DEF = ‘#ee0’)....
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Logging Script Errors in JavaScript
In this article, we will learn to log script Errors using JavaScript. It is useful in case where scripts from any other source run/executes under the website (Ex – in an iframe) or cases where any of your viewer makes use of Browser’s Console trying to alter the script or you want to monitor your JS code for errors it may get into when put in production....
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JavaScript SyntaxError – Missing ‘:’ after property id
This JavaScript exception missing : after property id occurs if objects are declared using the object’s initialization syntax....
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