HTML bgcolor Attribute
HTML bgcolor attribute is used to set the background color of an HTML element. Bgcolor is one of those attributes that has become deprecated with the implementation of Cascading Style Sheets (see CSS Backgrounds). It accepts color names, hexadecimal color codes, or RGB values to customize the background appearance of the specified element.In modern web development, styling, including background color is typically handled using CSS properties rather than HTML attributes....
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Difference between id and class Attributes in HTML
In HTML, the “id” attribute is employed to uniquely identify a specific element on a page. On the other hand, the “class” attribute is utilized to categorize and apply styles or scripts to multiple elements, enabling the application of common styles to various parts of the page where the class is assigned....
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Difference between JSON and XML
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format and it completely language independent. It is based on the JavaScript programming language and easy to understand and generate....
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HTML <span> Tag
The HTML <span> tag is a generic inline container for inline elements and content. It is used to group elements for styling purposes, a better way to use it when no other semantic element is available....
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Difference Between Local Storage, Session Storage And Cookies
The HTTP protocol is one of the most important protocols for smooth communication between the server and the client. The main disadvantage of the HTTP protocol is that it is a stateless protocol, which means it does not track any kind of response or request by the server or the client. So in order to resolve this problem, there are three ways to track useful information. In this article, we are going to see the difference between local storage, session storage, and cookies and why it’s important for a web developer to know these terms....
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How to make the images bigger when clicked?
In this article, we will make the images bigger when clicked. There are two commonly used methods that can be used to resize an image when clicked using javascript. The javascript functions can be invoked by specifying the onclick=”function_name()”...
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HTML Iframes
HTML iframes offer a powerful way to embed external content, such as videos, maps, or other webpages, directly into your own webpage. This article provides an in-depth exploration of HTML iframes, their syntax, and how they can be used to enhance your web development projects....
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How to Add Video in HTML?
Adding videos to your web pages can enhance user engagement and deliver valuable content. Utilizing HTML elements like <video>, <iframe>, or <object>, you can embed video files directly into your web pages, enabling seamless viewing and interaction with the video content within the webpage itself....
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SVG viewBox Attribute
The viewBox is an attribute of the SVG element in HTML. It is used to scale the SVG element that means we can set the coordinates as well as width and height....
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HTML header Tag
The <header> tag in HTML serves as a defining element for the header of a document or a section, encapsulating information pertinent to the title and heading of the associated content....
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HTML Subscript and Superscript Tags
In HTML, the <sub> tag is used for subscript, making text appear slightly below the normal line, while the <sup> tag is used for superscript, positioning text slightly above the normal line. These tags are employed to format text in a way that is either lower or higher than the regular text line, useful for applications such as chemical formulas or mathematical expressions....
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How to Remove Arrows from Number Input?
The number input field is a common element in web forms, allowing users to input numeric values. However, By default, the appearance of arrows (spinners) next to the input can sometimes be unwanted for certain designs or user experiences. In this article, we’ll learn how to Hide/remove arrows using CSS and provide practical implementation steps....
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