Git-Checkout And Merge
Git is an important tool for software development, helping teams to manage code changes and collaborate effectively. Among its many commands, git checkout and git merge are important for handling branches. This article provides a detailed guide on using these commands to streamline your workflow....
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How to deploy Node.js app on Heroku from GitHub ?
In this article, we will be looking at how to deploy your Demo Node.js app to Heroku. At the end of this article, we will have a basic Hello World app running on a public domain that can be accessed by anyone. The Node must be installed on your machine. Refer to this article How to install Node on your machine.We are also going to use Github account....
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Publish Websites on GitHub Pages with a Custom Domain
GitHub Pages is a free hosting service provided by GitHub that allows you to publish static websites directly from your GitHub repositories. By default, GitHub Pages provides a domain in the format –, but you can also use a custom domain for your website. This article will guide you through the process of publishing websites on GitHub Pages with a custom domain....
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How to Create a New Branch on GitHub using Android Studio?
Creating a new branch on GitHub using Android Studio can help your development workflow by allowing you to work on new features or fixes without affecting the main codebase. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to create a new branch directly from Android Studio and push it to your GitHub repository....
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How to Deploy React App on Netlify Using Github?
React App is a web or mobile application that is built using the React library of JavaScript. It helps users create interactive, single-page, and dynamic applications. These applications are built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Deployment of a React app can be done via GitHub, Netlify, or any other deployment platform. GitHub has its gh-pages, where the application can be built, start, and deployed. By deploying your project on such servers, you get a public URL for your project, that can be used to get your website or project....
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How to Protect Your Private Email Addresses in Git & Github?
Protecting sensitive information such as private email addresses is important to prevent unauthorized access, identity theft, and spam. Git and GitHub offer various mechanisms to safeguard private email addresses within repositories....
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Git – Status
Git is a powerful version control system that helps you to manage code changes and collaborate efficiently. One of the fundamental commands in Git is git status, which provides important information about the current state of your working directory and staging area. This article will explain the git status command, its output, and how to use it to effectively manage your Git workflow....
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Introduction to Git Branch
Branching means diverging from the mainline and continue to work separately without messing with the mainline. Nearly every VCS has some form of branch support. In Git, a branch is simply a reference to the commit, where the following commits will be attached....
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What is GitHub and How to Use It?
GitHub is a powerful platform that has revolutionized the way developers collaborate and manage code. Understanding GitHub is important for modern software development, whether you’re working on personal projects or contributing to large open-source communities. This article will explain what GitHub is and provide a comprehensive guide on how to use it effectively....
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What is Git Add?
Git is a Distributed version control system to track the changes in the source code. One of the fundamental commands in Git is git add. Understanding what git add is and how to use it is important for anyone working with Git. This article will provide a comprehensive guide on 'git add', explaining its purpose, usage, and best practices....
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How to create a comment in a pull request using octokit?
Introduction: The Octokit client can be used to send requests to GitHub’s REST API and queries to GitHub’s GraphQL API. The octokit package integrates the three main Octokit libraries:...
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Deployment of Angular Application using Github Pages
There are various methods to deploy Angular Application such as Github Pages, Heroku, Firebase, etc. The Github provides the simplest way of all using the Github Pages....
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