Bootstrap Navigation Bar
Bootstrap Navigation Bar provides a responsive, customizable, and pre-styled navigation component for web applications. It incorporates features like branding, navigation links, dropdowns, and responsiveness, enabling developers to create effective and visually appealing navigation menus effortlessly....
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How to Become a Full Stack Web Developer in 2024
How did you feel when you created your first login form on a web page after so many trials and tested templates (don’t say that you created everything from scratch…)? … How did you feel when you gave the layout to your first web application after multiple changes (Yes…you took the reference of some other websites or template as per requirement…)?… How did you feel when you successfully handled thousands of users’ sensitive information at the backend to build an application (It was scary…)?...
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How to change font color of the active nav-item in Bootstrap ?
There are two ways that you can change the font color of the active nav-item. The default font-color is white of the active nav-link in the case of Bootstrap nav-active item. The first-way approach is to use a CSS styling file and changing the nav-item class when clicked....
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How to show/hide div element depending multiple values using Bootstrap and jQuery ?
Bootstrap and jQuery have been used together to develop interactive web applications. Both Bootstrap and jQuery are free and open source which makes it popular among developers. This article deals with showing and hiding division depending on user input with the help of Bootstrap and jQuery. Below shown are two approaches to establish the same....
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Create a Single Page Responsive Website Using Bootstrap
Everyone wants to create the website which is compatible with all the devices like computer, laptops, tablets, and mobiles. So for making a website responsive the best way is to make a website using Bootstrap....
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How to change column to row on small display in Bootstrap 4 ?
The task is to switch a column of Bootstrap 4 grid layout to a row on small screen sizes....
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How to create chart using bootstrap ?
A chart in Bootstrap is a graphical representation for data visualization, in which the data is represented by symbols. The various types of charts like bar charts, line charts, pie charts, donut charts, etc are created with the help of Bootstrap. In other words, we can say that chart is a type of diagram or graph, that organizes and represents a set of numerical or qualitative data....
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How to place two input box next to each other using Bootstrap 4 ?
In this article, we will learn how to take two inputs in a single line in HTML. HTML supports various type of inputs like text, password, Date-Time, date, time, week, number, email, and a lot more. There are various conditions where we have to take multiple inputs in a single line or next to each other and this can be achieved by .input-group and inline element. The inline element does not take the entire line rather takes as much width as necessary....
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Tailwind CSS vs Bootstrap
Tailwind CSS was initially developed by Adam Wathan, and the first version was released back on the 1st of November, 2017. Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework for building custom user interfaces rapidly and efficiently. It is an inline styling used to achieve a sleek interface without writing code for your own CSS. Tailwind CSS offers customizability and flexibility to transform the appearance and feel of the elements. Tailwind CSS is not the first utility-first CSS library, but it is one of the most popular and light ones. It is a highly customizable, low-level CSS framework, and it provides all the building blocks the developer needs to build a fantastic interface for any website....
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How to use image overlay correctly with Bootstrap ?
In this article, we will be learning how to use image overlay correctly with Bootstrap. But before that, first, we need to know what is an Image Overlay....
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How to show contents of selected row of a table in Bootstrap model using jQuery ?
The task is to fetch data from a row of the table and show them on the bootstrap model....
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How to design full width dropdown Navbar using Bootstrap ?
In Bootstrap 4, NavBar is an essential component for menu purposes. NavBar contains so many items like text, link text, disable the link, dropdown buttons, forms, etc. To make dropdown sub-items to full-width can be carried by using either CSS properties or by using default utilities of Bootstrap 4. The following approaches will explain clearly:...
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