Sympy – stats.P() in Python

With the help of sympy.stats.P() method, we can find the probability of an occasion or a hypothetical situation by using sympy.stats.P() method.

Syntax : sympy.stats.P(function)
Return : Return the probability of a hypothesis.

Example #1 :
In this example we can see that by using sympy.stats.P() method, we are able to find the probability of an hypothetical situation by using this method.

# Import sympy, P, Dice
from sympy.stats import P, Die
situation = Die('X', 2)
# Using stats.P() method
gfg = P(situation < 5)

Output :


Example #2 :

# Import sympy, P, Dice
from sympy.stats import P, Die
situation = Die('X', 6)
# Using stats.P() method
gfg = P(situation > 3)

Output :


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