Python | Scipy stats.halfgennorm.stats() method

With the help of stats.halfgennorm.stats() method, we can get the value of Mean(‘m’), variance(‘v’), skew(‘s’), and/or kurtosis(‘k’) by using stats.halfgennorm.stats() method.

Syntax : stats.halfgennorm.stats(beta, moments)
Return : Return the value of mean, variance, skew and kurtosis.

Example #1 :
In this example we can see that by using stats.halfgennorm.stats() method, we are able to get the value of mean, variance, skew and kurtosis by using this method.

# import halfgennorm
from scipy.stats import halfgennorm
beta = 5
# Using stats.halfgennorm.stats() method
M, V, S, K = halfgennorm.stats(beta, moments ='mvsk')
print(M, V, S, K)

Output :

0.48317034577918083 0.09092954611981496 0.3281246839804034 -0.754155041309859

Example #2 :

# import halfgennorm
from scipy.stats import halfgennorm
beta = 3
# Using stats.halfgennorm.stats() method
M, V, S, K = halfgennorm.stats(beta, moments ='mvsk')
print(M, V, S, K)

Output :

0.5054680881515111 0.1177841857623046 0.6327758514663764 -0.1584840878576932

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