<strings> library in C++ STL

Member functions


  • Begin : Return iterator to beginning (public member function )
  • End : Return iterator to end (public member function )
  • Advance : Increment the iterator position till the specified number mentioned in its arguments.
  • Next : Returns the new iterator that the iterator would point after advancing the positions mentioned in its arguments.
  • Prev() : Returns the new iterator that the iterator would point after decrementing the positions mentioned in its arguments.
  • Inserter : Insert the elements at any position in the container.
  • Rbegin: Return reverse iterator to reverse beginning (public member function )
  • Rend : Return reverse iterator to reverse end (public member function )
  • Cbegin : Return const_iterator to beginning (public member function )
  • Cend : Return const_iterator to end (public member function )
  • Crbegin : Return const_reverse_iterator to reverse beginning (public member function )
  • Crend : Return const_reverse_iterator to reverse end (public member function )


  • Size : Return length of string (public member function )
  • Length : Return length of string (public member function )
  • Max_size : Return maximum size of string (public member function )
  • Resize : Resize string (public member function )
  • Capacity : Return size of allocated storage (public member function )
  • Reserve : Request a change in capacity (public member function )
  • Clear : Clear string (public member function )
  • Empty : Test if string is empty (public member function )
  • Shrink_to_fit : Shrink to fit (public member function )

Element access

  • At : Get character in string (public member function )
  • Back : Access last character (public member function )
  • Front : Access first character (public member function )


  • Operator+= : Append to string (public member function )
  • Append : Append to string (public member function )
  • Push_back : Append character to string (public member function )
  • Assign : Assign New value to the string (public member function )
  • Insert : Insert into string (public member function )
  • Erase : Erase characters from string (public member function )
  • Replace : Replace portion of string (public member function )
  • Swap : Swap string values (public member function )
  • Pop_back : Delete last character (public member function )

String operations

  • Operator[]: Get character of string (public member function )
  • C_str : Get C string equivalent (public member function )
  • Data : Get string data (public member function )
  • Get_allocator : Get allocator (public member function )
  • Copy : Copy sequence of characters from string (public member function )
  • Find : Find content in string (public member function )
  • Rfind : Find last occurrence of content in string (public member function )
  • Find_first_of : Find character in string (public member function )
  • Find_last_of : Find character in string from the end (public member function )
  • Find_first_not_of : Find absence of character in string (public member function )
  • Find_last_not_of : Find non-matching character in string from the end (public member function )
  • Substr : Generate substring (public member function )
  • Compare : Compare strings (public member function )
  • sort : Function sorts the elements in ascending order.
  • is_sorted : Checks if the elements in the string (first to last) are sorted in Ascending order.Elements in the string compared using “<” operator.

Member constants & Non-member function overloads

  • Npos : Maximum value for size_t (public static member constant )
  • Operator+ : Concatenate strings .
  • Relational operators : Relational operators for string.
  • Swap : Exchanges the values of two strings .
  • Operator>> : Extract string from stream .
  • Operator<< : Insert string into stream .
  • Getline : Get line from stream into string.

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