Stack Implementation in Operating System uses by Processor

A stack is an associate ordered a set of components, only one of that (last added) are often accessed at a time. The point of access is named the highest of the stack. The number of components within the stack, or length of the stack, is variable. Items could solely be side to or deleted from the highest of the stack. For this reason, a stack is additionally referred to as a pushdown list or a last-in-first-out (LIFO) list. The implementation of a stack needs that there be some set of locations accustomed store the stack components. A typical approach is illustrated in the below diagram. 
The location of the continuous block is reserved in main memory (or virtual memory) for the stack. Most of the time, the block is part full of stack components and also the remainder is accessible for stack growth. Three addresses area unit required for correct operation, and these area units typically keep in processor registers:

  • Stack Pointer: It contains the address of this prime of the stack. If the associated item is appended to (PUSH) or deleted from (POP) the stack, the pointer is decremented or incremented to contain the address of the new prime of the stack.
  • Stack Base: It contains the address of a very cheap location within the reserved block. this can be the primary location to be used once the associated item is side to associate empty stack. If an effort is formed to POP a component once the stack is empty, an error is reported.
  • Stack Limit: It contains the address of the opposite finish, or top, of the reserved block. If an effort is formed to PUSH a component once the stack is full, an error is reported.

Traditionally, and on most processors, these days, the base of the stack is at the high address finish of the reserved stack block, and also the limit is at the low-address finish. so, the stack will grow from higher addresses to lower addresses.

A stack is a data structure used by processors in operating systems to manage the execution of programs. The stack is typically implemented in the memory of the processor and is used to store data and return addresses during program execution.

  1. The stack is a last-in-first-out (LIFO) data structure, which means that the most recently added data is the first to be removed. When a program calls a function, the processor pushes the function parameters and the return address onto the stack. The function then uses the stack to store local variables and intermediate results. When the function returns, the processor pops the return address and the function’s local variables from the stack.
  2. The stack is also used to manage interrupts and exceptions. When an interrupt or exception occurs, the processor pushes the current program counter and processor status onto the stack and jumps to the interrupt or exception handler. The handler then uses the stack to store the context of the interrupted program and restore it after the interrupt or exception has been handled.
  3. The implementation of the stack in the operating system must consider several factors such as the size of the stack, the stack pointer, and the stack frame layout. The size of the stack determines how much data can be stored on the stack and must be large enough to accommodate the maximum stack usage of the program. The stack pointer is a register used by the processor to keep track of the current position in the stack. The stack frame layout determines how the function parameters, local variables, and intermediate results are stored on the stack.

In summary, the stack is a critical data structure used by processors in operating systems to manage program execution, interrupts, and exceptions. The stack is a LIFO data structure implemented in the memory of the processor and is used to store data and return addresses during program execution. The implementation of the stack must consider several factors such as the size of the stack, the stack pointer, and the stack frame layout.

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