Design and Implementation in Operating System

The design of an operating system is a broad and complex topic that touches on many aspects of computer science. This article will cover the design of operating systems in general and then focus on the implementation aspect.

Design Goals:

Design goals are the objectives of the operating system. They must be met to fulfill design requirements and they can be used to evaluate the design. These goals may not always be technical, but they often have a direct impact on how users perceive their experience with an operating system. While designers need to identify all design goals and prioritize them, they also need to ensure that these goals are compatible with each other as well as compatible with user expectations or expert advice

Designers also need to identify all possible ways in which their designs could conflict with other parts of their systems—and then prioritize those potential conflicts based on cost-benefit analysis (CBA). This process allows for better decision-making about what features make sense for inclusion into final products versus those which would require extensive rework later down the road. It’s also important to note that CBA is not just about financial costs; it can also include other factors like user experience, time to market, and the impact on other systems.

The process of identifying design goals, conflicts, and priorities is often referred to as “goal-driven design.” The goal of this approach is to ensure that each design decision is made with the best interest of users and other stakeholders in mind.

Mechanisms and Policies:

An operating system is a set of software components that manage a computer’s resources and provide overall system management.

Mechanisms and policies are the two main components of an operating system. Mechanisms handle low-level functions such as scheduling, memory management, and interrupt handling; policies handle higher-level functions such as resource management, security, and reliability. A well-designed OS should provide both mechanisms and policies for each component in order for it to be successful at its task:

Mechanisms should ensure that applications have access to appropriate hardware resources (seats). They should also make sure that applications don’t interfere with each other’s use of these resources (for example through mutual exclusion).

Policies determine how processes will interact with one another when they’re running simultaneously on multiple CPUs within a single machine instance – what processor affinity should occur during multitasking operations? Should all processes be allowed access simultaneously or just those belonging specifically within group ‘A’?’

These are just some of the many questions that policies must answer. The OS is responsible for enforcing these mechanisms and policies, as well as handling exceptions when they occur. The operating system also provides a number of services to applications, such as file access and networking capabilities.

The operating system is also responsible for making sure that all of these tasks are done efficiently and in a timely manner. The OS provides applications with access to the underlying hardware resources and ensures that they’re properly utilized by the application. It also handles any exceptions that occur during execution so that they don’t cause the entire system to crash.


Implementation is the process of writing source code in a high-level programming language, compiling it into object code, and then interpreting (executing) this object code by means of an interpreter. The purpose of an operating system is to provide services to users while they run applications on their computers.

The main function of an operating system is to control the execution of programs. It also provides services such as memory management, interrupt handling, and file system access facilities so that programs can be better utilized by users or other devices attached to the system.

An operating system is a program or software that controls the computer’s hardware and resources. It acts as an intermediary between applications, users, and the computer’s hardware. It manages the activities of all programs running on a computer without any user intervention.

The operating system performs many functions such as managing the computer’s memory, enforcing security policies, and controlling peripheral devices. It also provides a user interface that allows users to interact with their computers.

The operating system is typically stored in ROM or flash memory so it can be run when the computer is turned on. The first operating systems were designed to control mainframe computers. They were very large and complex, consisting of millions of lines of code and requiring several people to develop them.

Today, operating systems are much smaller and easier to use. They have been designed to be modular so they can be customized by users or developers.

There are many different types of operating systems:

  1. Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) like Microsoft Windows and Mac OS.
  2. Command line interfaces like Linux or UNIX
  3. Real-time operating systems that control industrial and scientific equipment
  4. Embedded operating systems are designed to run on a single computer system without needing an external display or keyboard.

An operating system is a program that controls the execution of computer programs and provides services to the user.

It is responsible for managing computer hardware resources and providing common services for all programs running on the computer. An operating system also facilitates user interaction with the computer.

In addition to these basic functions, an operating system manages resources such as memory, input/output devices, file systems, and other components of a computer system’s hardware architecture (hardware). It does not manage application software or its data; this responsibility resides with individual applications themselves or their respective developers via APIs provided by each application’s interfaces with their respective environments (e.g., Java VM).

The operating system is the most important component of a computer, as it allows users to interact with all of the other components. The operating system provides access to hardware resources such as storage devices and printers, as well as making sure that programs are running correctly and coordinating their activities.

The design and implementation of an operating system is a complex process that involves many different disciplines. The goal is to provide users with a reliable, efficient, and convenient computing environment, so as to make their work more efficient.

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