Sprinklr Interview Experience for Frontend Engineer | Off-Campus

Contacted a recruiter through LinkedIn. He then added another HR-Recruiter to the chat and then I shared my resume with the HR.


The same HR called me and inquired about my interests and experiences. She then asked me, why have I not joined a company after I graduated, as already 8 months had passed since then : To which I replied that, I was busy honing my DS Algo and learning full stack development and now I am ranked 39 globally on Interviewbit with a 171 days streak. Then she asked me about my knowledge of Angular : I told her my experience in React, and a little familiarity with Angular. She then told me not to worry and let my interviewers know that I know React and eager to learn Angular. Then She advised me to revise basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc and asked for a comfortable date for F2F, I said tomorrow. After an hour, I received a calendar invite of F2F for the next day, which I accepted.

Round 2 (F2F):

A Senior Software Engineer Interviewed me. He came and straightaway gave me a question :
1. Detection of loop in Linked List.
To which I gave the optimal approach and then he moved to another question.
2. Lets say there is an eCommerce website like amazon, where we have different categories like Electronics, Grooming, Kitchen, etc. Now each category have collection of objects sorted in decreasing order of discount. So, we have to return K most discounted items. e.g., For K=3, and the collection having N categories as follows:
“Electronics” : [{name: “MacBook Air”, price: “55000”, discount: “50%”}, {name: “MacBook Pro”, price: “95000”, discount: “40%”}, …],
“Grooming” : [{name: “Philips Trimmer”, price: “2500”, discount: “60%”}, {name: “Dyson Hair Dryer”, price: “25000”, discount: “20%”}, …],
“Kitchen” : [{name: “Kaff Sink”, price: “7700”, discount: “30%”}, {name: “Milton Hot Pot”, price: “900”, discount: “30%”}, …],

Output: [“Philips Trimmer”, “MacBook Air”, “MacBook Pro”].
I gave the max-heap based approach, in which I told him to insert every item into the max-heap, and then return the top K. For this, he asked the time Complexity, I answered O(Klog(K*N)). He told me to optimize it further. This time I gave a pointer based approach, i.e., to set a pointer at every category and then check for max among them, then increment count for the pointer of the category in which max was found, and do it till we have found K elements. For this, he asked the time Complexity, I answered O(K*N). He told me to optimize it further by combining the above two approaches, I did it and gave the Time Complexity as O(Klog(N)).
3. He asked about life-cycle hooks in React.
4. He showed me a live web-app and asked about performance issues (if any?) after looking at the code. The issue was with non-optimized loading of content from array.
5. He then asked me, do I play cricket by seeing its mention in my Resume. And did some informal talks about cricket.

Round 3 (F2F):

A Senior Software Engineer Interviewed me. Asked me following questions:
1. Longest Balanced Parentheses in the string of parentheses.
It took me a while, but answered with the stack based solution for that.
2. Longest Palindromic Sub sequence.
It took me a while too, but gave the right approach after a few hints. My approach was recursive and I was trying for DP, which I couldn’t get.
3. Shortest Root to Leaf path for a binary tree.
He asked this easy question to lighten my mood, as I was nearly frustrated after the two LeetCode hard questions. I gave the Recursive solution. Then he switched to JavaScript, as for the role I was applying, JavaScript knowledge was important.
4. Where to add script tag in a HTML?
I answered either of the two head and body. Insert in head when you know that you need to load JavaScript beforehand. Otherwise always insert in bottom of body. It gives the illusion of fast loading, as the content gets loaded first, then the JavaScript.
5. What happen when we type in a URL in a browser?
I gave him the elaborated answer using caching, DNS lookup, Request, Response, Acknowledge, TCP/IP protocols, POST/GET requests etc.
6. Difference between var, const and let in JavaScript.
Answered it with a lot of examples and described their scope and behavior, also compared them with C++ variables.

Waiting for the next rounds…

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