Sprinklr Interview Experience for Product Engineer Internship (On-Campus)

Company: Sprinklr
Role: Product Engineer Intern
Location: Gurugram, IND
Branch: Non-circuital (Civil Engineering)

So there was one coding test for interview shortlisting, two technical and one HR interview.

The coding test consisted of 3 questions focused on algorithms; the pattern was the same as the standard Sprinklr intern test.
The test was online, and marks for each question were 50, 75, and 100. Those who got scores over 125 got selected for interviews else 125 and below did not get a chance.

The Questions were unique but the same for all candidates.

Technical round 1:
The interviewer started with a brief about myself and questioned me about the technologies mentioned in my resume. Then asked some basic questions about DSA, then went to coding on Google Docs, I was asked 2 DSA questions to code, and for the other 2, just explaining the method sufficed him.

Questions asked:

  1. Find the longest balanced parentheses in a string of parentheses.

  2. Find the median in a stream of elements.

Technical round 2:
The interviewer gave me 2 questions from Data Structures (Trees and Lists), and I was comfortable with both; then quizzed me about my resume, and we wrapped up on a good note.

  1. Convert Binary Tree to its mirror.

  2. Add two numbers implemented as double-linked lists.

  3. HR round:
    This round was not eliminatory, and mostly who reached here got the offer; I was questioned about situations and my past experiences. Also, be precise about your answers and avoid asking silly questions at the end of the interview; try not to waste the interviewer’s time on them.

    Also, communication with all the Interviewer was crucial; they were able to help me out with DSA problems and gave me an edge over other candidates.

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