Spring – When to Use @Qualifier and @Autowired For Dependency Injection

In the world of Spring Framework, managing dependencies is a fundamental aspect of building robust and maintainable applications. Spring offers two primary annotations to facilitate dependency injection: @Autowired and @Qualifier. Understanding when and how to use these annotations is crucial for effective bean wiring .@Autowired and @Qualifier are both annotations used in Spring Framework to work with dependency injection, but they serve different purposes.

What is Dependency Injection in Spring?

Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern used in software development, and it plays a significant role in the Spring Framework, which is a popular framework for building Java-based enterprise applications. Dependency Injection is a technique where one object supplies the dependencies of another object, rather than the dependent object creating them itself. In other words, it’s a way to achieve Inversion of Control (IoC), where the control over the flow of a program’s execution is shifted from the program itself to a framework or container.

In the context of Spring, Dependency Injection is used to manage the dependencies between various components of an application, such as classes, beans, or services. Spring provides a container (often called the “Spring IoC container”) responsible for instantiating, configuring, and managing these objects. The container injects the required dependencies into objects at runtime, allowing you to build loosely coupled and highly maintainable applications.

How Dependency Injection Works in Spring?

  • Components: In a Spring application, you typically define various components, such as classes or beans, that represent different parts of your application’s functionality.
  • Dependencies: These components often have dependencies on other components or services to perform their tasks effectively.
  • Configuration: You configure your Spring application using XML-based configuration files, Java annotations, or Java-based configuration classes (using @Configuration and @Bean annotations).
  • Injection: Spring’s IoC container manages the creation of objects and their dependencies. When a component needs a dependency, the container injects it at runtime, ensuring that the required objects are available and correctly initialized.

There are two primary ways to perform Dependency Injection in Spring:

  • Constructor Injection: Dependencies are injected through the constructor of the dependent class. This is the most common and recommended approach because it ensures that the dependent object is fully initialized when it’s created.
  • Setter Injection: Dependencies are injected through setter methods in the dependent class. While less common than constructor injection, setter injection can be useful in scenarios where you have optional dependencies or need to change dependencies at runtime.

The below example illustrates Java Spring’s Dependency Injection:


public class CricbuzzApp {
    private CricbuzzService cricbuzzService;
    // Constructor Injection
    public CricbuzzApp(CricbuzzService cricbuzzService) {
        this.cricbuzzService = cricbuzzService;
    public void run() {
public interface CricbuzzService {
    void doSomething();
public class CricbuzzServiceImpl implements CricbuzzService {
    public void doSomething() {
        System.out.println("Doing something in CricbuzzServiceImpl.");

Dependency Injection with @Autowired

@Autowired is used to automatically inject dependencies into a class. When you annotate a field, setter method, or constructor with @Autowired, Spring will attempt to find a matching bean in the application context and inject it into the annotated component. It is typically used when you have multiple beans of the same type, and Spring needs to determine which one to inject automatically.


public class MyService {
    private final MyRepository repository;
    @Autowired public MyService(MyRepository repository)
        this.repository = repository;
/*This Java program defines a Spring service class named
MyService. It relies on constructor-based dependency
injection with the @Autowired annotation to inject a
MyRepository dependency into the class. This allows the
MyService component to use the functionality provided by
MyRepository for data access or other related tasks. The
@Service annotation marks the class as a Spring-managed
service or component, making it available for use within a
Spring application. In this example, the MyRepository bean
is automatically injected into MyService.*/

Introducing @Qualifier

@Qualifier is used in conjunction with @Autowired to specify which exact bean should be injected when there are multiple beans of the same type in the application context.You use @Qualifier to provide a specific bean name or value to indicate which bean should be injected.


public class MyService {
    private final MyRepository firstRepository;
    private final MyRepository secondRepository;
    public MyService(@Qualifier("firstRepository")
                     MyRepository firstRepository,
                     MyRepository secondRepository)
        this.firstRepository = firstRepository;
        this.secondRepository = secondRepository;
/*This Java code defines a Spring service class named
MyService with two dependencies of type MyRepository. The
@Autowired constructor is used for dependency injection, and
@Qualifier annotations specify which specific beans to
inject for each dependency. This code is a typical example
of Spring's dependency injection mechanism for managing and
wiring components in an application.
 Here, we use @Qualifier to differentiate between two
MyRepository beans.*/

Key Differences Between @Autowired and @Qualifier Annotation





Automatic dependency injection based on type.

Specify which bean to inject when multiple exist.


Constructor, setter, or field level.

Used with @Autowired to disambiguate beans.

Dependency Resolution

By type; may lead to ambiguity

By name or custom qualifier, eliminating ambiguity.

Required Dependencies

Defaults to required; can be optional.

Doesn’t affect dependency requirement.

Multiple Dependencies

May lead to ambiguity.

Eliminates ambiguity when multiple beans exist.

Custom Qualifier Names

Doesn’t inherently support custom names

Supports custom qualifier names for precision.


Provides automatic wiring based on type.

Offers fine-grained control over injection.

When to use @Autowired and @Qualifier?

You should use @Autowired and @Qualifier in Spring applications under specific circumstances:

Use @Autowired:

Use @Autowired when you want Spring to automatically inject a dependency into a class without specifying the bean name explicitly.It’s especially useful when there is only one bean of a specific type in the application context, or when you want to inject the primary bean of that type.

It simplifies the configuration by allowing Spring to choose the appropriate bean to inject based on type.


private SomeService someService;

Use @Autowired with @Qualifier:

Use @Autowired in combination with @Qualifier when there are multiple beans of the same type in the application context, and you need to specify which one to inject.@Qualifier allows you to provide a specific bean name or value to indicate which bean should be injected.


private SomeService someService;

Use @Autowired on Constructors:

It’s a good practice to use @Autowired on constructors to indicate constructor-based dependency injection. This can make your code more readable and easier to test.


public MyComponent(SomeService someService) {
    this.someService = someService;


In summary, @Autowired is for automatic dependency injection, while @Qualifier is for specifying which exact bean to inject when there are multiple beans of the same type. Choose the appropriate annotation based on your specific use case and the complexity of your Spring application’s bean configuration.

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