Smallcase Interview Experience For Frontend Developer Intership (Off-Campus) 2023

Round 1: Technical Round

  1. Difference between HTTP and HTTPS.
  2. What is meant by HTML parsing, and Javascript script execution process? What is the difference between Async and Defer scripts?
  3. What is async await? Have you implemented it in your code? Give example.
  4. Why are promises not used in the current situation? What are its disadvantages and the replacement?
  5. Different react.js hooks are used in code.
  6. Why choose React.js over other technologies? What are its performance benefits? What is the concept of Virtual DOM in React?
  7. How to handle multiple promises in one go in React?

Round 2: Technical + coding round

  1. Difference between useEffect and useLayoutEffect?
  2. CSS Selectors
  3. Various array methods in Javascript?

Machine Coding on Codepen -> Smallcase internal assignment file( Integrating various input elements in React and working for various edge cases based on their values selected by the user)


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