Baker Hughes Interview Experience for Intership (On-campus) 2023

Hey everyone!! I recently got placed in Baker Hughes as a Digital Technology Intern. I’d like to share my interview experience with you all.

Baker Hughes visited our campus in the month of September 2023 for their Digital Technology (DT) Internship program.

There were 5 rounds in total apart from the CGPA-based shortlisting. In my college, it was 9+ for CSE and 9.2+ for ECE. As a result around 300 odd students were shortlisted for the process.

Just for reference, I am from the ECE Branch, and secondly, the entire process was online.

Round 1- Digital Interview :

This was an AI-based round where we had to record our answers to 5 behavioral questions. For example, what were the challenges you faced during a project and how did you overcome them? This round wasn’t that much of an elimination round as 250 got selected further.

Round 2- Technical test:

This test consisted of MCQs only and the topics were DSA, OOPS, CN, OS, and SQL. There were 25 questions that had to be solved in 30 minutes. 108 students were selected further for the next rounds out of 250.

Round 3- Group Discussion:

This round is extremely important as maximum elimination happens here. We were divided into panels of 10 with 2 moderators. The topics for the panels varied but were related to the sector that the company is into- energy. From each group, only around 3 or 4 people max were selected for the technical round.

Round 4- Technical Interview:

This interview was again conducted online on MS Teams. I was asked questions from everything that was there in my resume. My stronghold is DSA so they asked me my favorite data structure to which I replied LinkedList and I was then asked to code a few simple problems e.g. finding cycle in a LL or the middle element. Some general theory questions too. Then I was asked to write an SQL query using join statements. Then followed theoretical questions on DBMS (e.g. ACID), projects and extracurriculars. I do some web development as well so I was asked JavaScript and CSS too. The round lasted more than an hour. 20 got selected for the final round.

Round 5- Leadership Interview:

This was taken by a senior level manager of the company. For others, one or two technical questions were asked but for me it was purely non-tech questions. After explaining my projects, I was asked questions such as my opinions on AI, 3 words in which my professors would describe me in, and so on and so forth. Finally, I was explained about my role and the entire internship program. I was also told that the conversion rate to FTE was nearing a 100%.

TIPS: Be as calm and relaxed as you can. All the interviewers were really friendly and reassured me even when a couple of my answers were wrong. Be humble. Listen first to the question and respond accordingly. Rounds 3,4 and 5 were completed on the same day so be prepared in advance. All the best!

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