SignDesk Interview Experience for Software Engineer

The entire process took three days. It involved five rounds.

Round 1 – Aptitude & Verbal Ability Round (30 minutes + 25 minutes):

It comprises 30 aptitude questions related to profit loss, geometry, speed-distance-time, probability, PnC, etc., and 25 verbal ability questions related to antonyms, synonyms, spotting errors, sentence formation and correction, changes of voice, etc.

Round 2 – First Technical Interview (45 minutes):

The interviewer asked me to introduce myself. Then asked about different HTML tags, how to write code for the basic structure of HTML, What various ways to add CSS to an HTML document and write code for that, and what is Bootstrap. Additionally, asked about JavaScript, its different data types, and callbacks. Then asked DSA questions:

  • Move all zeros to the start of an array without changing the relative positions of other elements.
  • Pattern printing.

Then, I was tasked to create a class with data members, member functions, and a constructor and to access the data and functions using an object. Then, there were questions about some DBMS concepts, such as what a foreign key, how to join tables.

Round 3 – Second Technical Interview (45 minutes):

Discussion over projects, what are SDLC models, unit testing, and REST API. Then level DSA questions were asked:

  • Given an array and a target, return a 2D array of indices of all possible pairs of numbers that add up to the target.
  • Find the search insert position of K in a sorted array.
  • Another pattern printing question and variations within that.

Then, I was also asked to explain the different pillars of object-oriented programming.

Round 4 – Managerial Round (30 minutes):

  • Asked to explain one of my projects, and then asked to draw the database schema of that project.
  • Why use the NoSQL database in your project?
  • How to develop a messaging feature, how to develop secure user authentication, and what should we do to develop secure OTP authentication and avoid OTP fraud.
  • what happens in an Infinite Loop and an Infinite Recursion.

Round 5 – HR Round (15 minutes):

It was pleasant, focusing on basic HR questions like introducing myself, reasons for wanting to join the company and inquiring about family members. The interviewer also shared insights into the company’s culture.

Tips: You should know every word of your Resume. Explain your codes, and tell the time complexity and space complexity for every DSA question. Be calm and answer politely.

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