Signal Handling in C++

Signals are the interrupts that force an OS to stop its ongoing task and attend the task for which the interrupt has been sent. These interrupts can pause service in any program of an OS. Similarly, C++ also offers various signals which it can catch and process in a program. Here is a list of various signals and their operations that C++ provides the user to work with.




produces a receipt for an active signal


Sends a termination request to the program


Bus error which indicates access to an invalid address


Detects an illegal command


This is used by the alarm() function and indicates the expiration of the timer.


Termination of a program, abnormally


The signal cannot be blocked, handled, and ignored and can stop a process


Invalid access to storage


Overflow operations or mathematically incorrect operations like divide by zero



User-Defined Signals

This signal() function is provided by the signal library and is used to trap unexpected interrupts or events. 


signal(registered signal, signal handler)

The first argument is an integer, representing the signal number and second is the pointer to a signal handling function. We must keep in mind that the signal that we would like to catch must be registered using a signal function and it must be associated with a signal handling function. The signal handling function should be of the void type. 



// CPP Program to demonstrate the signal() function
#include <csignal>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void signal_handler(int signal_num)
    cout << "The interrupt signal is (" << signal_num
         << "). \n";
    // It terminates the  program
int main()
    // register signal SIGABRT and signal handler
    signal(SIGABRT, signal_handler);
    while (true)
        cout << "Hello w3wiki..." << endl;
    return 0;

Output: Being in an infinite loop this code will show the following output until an interrupt is faced:  

Hello w3wiki...
Hello w3wiki...
Hello w3wiki...
Hello w3wiki...

Now if we press Ctrl+C to send an interrupt, the program will exit by printing:  

Hello w3wiki...
Hello w3wiki...
Hello w3wiki...
Hello w3wiki...
The interrupt signal is (22).

raise() function

The raise() function is used to generate signals. 


raise( signal )

It takes an argument as any of the functions mentioned in the list. 



// CPP Program to demonstrate the raise() function
#include <csignal>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void signal_handler(int signal_num)
    cout << "Interrupt signal is (" << signal_num << ").\n";
    // It terminates program
int main()
    int count = 0;
    signal(SIGSEGV, signal_handler);
    // register signal SIGSEGV and signal handler
    while (++count) {
        cout << "Hello w3wiki..." << endl;
        if (count == 5)
    return 0;


Hello w3wiki...
Hello w3wiki...
Hello w3wiki...
Hello w3wiki...
Hello w3wiki...
Interrupt signal is (11).


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