Scientific Name of Grasshopper

The scientific name of the Grasshopper varies depending on the specific species. Grasshoppers belong to the order Orthoptera, suborder Caelifera, and family Acrididae. Grasshoppers are among the oldest groups of insects, with fossil evidence suggesting they date back 250 million years.

Each species has its unique scientific name. For example, the American grasshopper is Schistocerca americana, the leaf grasshopper is Phyllochoreia ramakrishnai, and the horsehead grasshopper is Pseudoproscopia scabra. In this article, we will study the scientific name of the Grasshopper, its classification, and the physical features of Grasshopper in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is the Scientific Name of Grasshopper?
  • Scientific Classification of Grasshoppers
  • Scientific Name of Grasshopper: Some Selected Species
  • Physical Features of Grasshoppers
  • Ecological Significance of Grasshoppers
  • Conclusion – Scientific Name of Grasshopper
  • FAQs on Scientific Name of Grasshopper

What is the Scientific Name of Grasshopper?

The name grasshopper is given to a group of insects that belong to the sub-order Caelifera. There are many types of grasshoppers and they have different scientific names depending on their genus and species. They are characterized by long, strong hind legs that help them jump long distances. They are cosmopolitan and are found in almost every place on Earth.

Grasshoppers are one of the oldest species of insects thriving on the Earth. Primarily Grasshoppers are herbivores and feed on the leaves and fruits of plants. Some Grasshoppers like locusts are considered pests and feed on large volumes of agricultural produce causing heavy economic losses.

Scientific Classification of Grasshoppers

The scientific classification of grasshopper is given below:











Families within the suborder Caelifera include three major families:

  • Acrididae (include short-horned grasshoppers)
  • Tetrigidae (include pygmy grasshoppers)
  • Tanaoceridae (include desert long-horned grasshoppers).

Scientific Name of Grasshopper: Some Selected Species

Some common grasshoppers and their scientific names are given below:

  • American Grasshopper: Schistocerca americana
  • Horsehead Grasshopper: Pseudo proscopia scabra
  • Desert Locust: Schistocerca gregaria
  • Leaf Grasshopper: Phyllochroa ramakrishnai

Physical Features of Grasshoppers

Grasshoppers have some typical characteristics that distinguish them from other insects. These features are mentioned below:

  • The body of a grasshopper is elongated and divided into three segments: head, thorax, and abdomen.
  • There are two pairs of wings: a pair of fore wings called tegmina and a pair of hind wings.
  • Mouth has powerful mandibles that helps them to break down vegetation into smaller fragments for digestion.
  • The head bears a pair of antennae. These are short and serve as sensory organs.
  • They have 3 pair of legs and the hind legs that are characteristically long. It help them to jump long distances.
  • They are present in green, or brown color.
  • Many species have small front legs that they can rub to produce sound for communications.
  • Females have a specialized structure called an ovipositor, which is used to deposit eggs into the substrate.
  • Males typically have specialized structures at the tip of their abdomen, such as aedeagus and genitalia, which are used during mating.


Grasshoppers are highly adaptable organisms that is very evident from their long existence on Earth. They inhabit a wide range of habitats that include, meadows, marshes, forests, agricultural field and even urban settlements.

Ecological Significance of Grasshoppers

Grasshoppers play several crucial ecological roles in various ecosystems and contribute to the functioning and stability of terrestrial habitats. Some points reflecting their ecological importance are listed below:

  • Food source: Grasshoppers serve as a vital food source for numerous predators, including birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and other insects. They occupy an intermediate position in food chains, transferring energy from plants to higher trophic levels.
  • Seed Dispersal: Some grasshopper species aid in seed dispersal by consuming seeds and then excreting them in different locations. This process helps plants colonize new habitat, expand their range, and maintain genetic diversity within populations.
  • Pollination: Grasshoppers can act as effective pollinators as they visit plants to plants.
  • Nutrient Cycling: Grasshoppers contribute to nutrient cycling within ecosystems by consuming plant material and breaking it down into smaller fragments. Their faeces contain nutrients that can enrich the soil, promoting plant growth and productivity.
  • Environmental Indicators: Grasshoppers have typical environmental requirements and adapt to their environment very quickly. Thus, they can serve as indicators of ecosystem health and environmental change.
  • Biocontrol Agents: Many species of Grasshopper act as biocontrol agents as they feed upon certain weed species and thereby control their growth.

Conclusion – Scientific Name of Grasshopper

Grasshoppers are one of the oldest insects living on this Earth. It is a common name given to a group of insects belonging to suborder Caelifera. These insects have long hind legs that enable them to jump or hop long distances. They typically have strong mandibles that help them to chew leaves. Grasshoppers have unique adaptations that had helped them to survive the changing conditions of the Earth since last 250 million years. They have immense ecological significance as they occupy the level of primary consumers in many food chains. Grasshopper scientific name is discussed in this article.

FAQs on Scientific Name of Grasshopper

What is the Scientific Name of Cotton Grasshopper?

The scientific name of cotton grasshopper also known as differential grasshopper is Melanoplus differentialis.

What is the Family of Grasshoppers?

Grasshoppers belong to the order Orthoptera, suborder Caelifera, and family Acrididae.

Give some Examples of the Common Scientific Name of Grasshopper.

Chorthippus brunneus (Common Field Grasshopper), Melanoplus differentialis (Differential Grasshopper), Locusta migratoria (Migratory Locust), Schistocerca gregaria (Desert Locust) are some common examples of common scientific name of grasshopper.

What is the Scientific Name of Common Indian Grasshopper?

The scientific name of common Indian Grasshopper is Poekilocerus pictus.

Grasshopper Belongs to Which Kingdom and Phylum?

Grasshopper belongs to kingdom Animalia and phylum Arthropoda.

Do all Grasshoppers have the Same Scientific Name?

No , all grasshoppers do not have same scientific name.

What is the Scientific Name of Grasshopper?

Caelifera is the suborder of grasshopper. The scientific name varies species to species.

What is the Common Name and Scientific Name of Grasshopper?

Grasshoppers belong to the suborder Caelifera and “Grasshoppers” is it’s common name.

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