Sarvajanik College of Engineering and Technology (SCET) Campus Experience

The story back on September 15, 2021

I received my JEE results. Before this I will take you to the scenario why my dreams actually got shattered and I still have a corner in my heart that have a guilty feeling in it. So the candidates appearing JEE in 2021 had the golden opportunity that exam was going take place 4 times in a year. More specifically generally JEE mains occur twice a year but due the world that faced pandemic in 2020,the panel board decided to give the students an extra attempts to give their best regardless of the global pandemic. So to be fortune i was in that batch of candidates appearing for JEE in 2021. I wrote JEE mains 4 times that year but could not made it to National Institutes.

This was the back scenario but i feel blessed today, for the loss I had that day made me a strong individual person today. I got a feeling to emerge even more stronger with a heavy heart I agreed to my parents decision of not taking a one year gap to appear again the examination, then with a feeling to do better in a life so that I don’t feel the regret so, I decided to look up for the college .

In this heartfelt campus experience, I share the lessons I learned and the personal growth I achieved. From facing shattered dreams to embracing new opportunities, I discovered the power of perseverance and the importance of surrounding myself with the right people. Through this article, I aim to inspire others to face challenges, discover their potential, and make the most of their college years.

A quote by Nicole Sobon says: “Sometimes the hardest part isn’t letting go but rather learning to start over.”

Instead of taking a gap year, I enrolled in a regular state college. Although it wasn’t my first choice, I chose to study computer engineering, even though my heart leaned towards hardware. I saw an opportunity to explore emerging technologies and dive into the dynamic world of computer science.

I was back then a introvert student who used to feel very shy to talk or just involve herself in the talks that used to be going around her. Soon a disguised friendship became one of the greatest blessings in my life. I started to interact with everyone , I was good at my soft skills , my faculty started noticing me, and I then become member of several activity clubs in my college. Keeping up with my college academic, I hosted several events got awarded for a few, and won a few debates and elocutions .

As it says “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

While on-going my academic journey, I set my sights on a master’s degree in Artificial intelligence and Machine learning. I was driven by a strong desire to learn and explore, envisioning a future full of limitless opportunities. Additionally, my college’s extensive placement opportunities provided numerous pathways to success for my friends, reminding me that achievement is not confined to a particular institution.

Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers I firmly believe in this, a girl who was fearing to make new friends is now having a bundle of friends . From my supportive seniors to my enthusiastic juniors, each encounter enriched my personal and professional growth . Being in a pre final year this gives me little sad feeling soon that all this gonna end but I am always curious for that I have ahead in my life . At every stage of your life you will meet new people . Because surrounding yourself with right kind of people matters and gives you so much of knowledge and it will help you grow immensely in professional and personal life.

As I share on my college experience, I am grateful for the journey of growth and self-discovery. I learned to challenge setbacks with resilience, embrace change, and surround myself with the right kind of people. I met with new people , developed skills and continuously working upon my strengths and weakness.

All I can summarize in a single line: The beauty of college campus lies in the freedom to experiment because college is the only time where you can see what actually interests you , discover new paths, and connect with people who believe in your potential.

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