Rust – Using Option enum for Error Handling

In Rust, while coding the focus is mainly on performance, safety, and concurrency. It specifically uses enums like Option<T> and Result<T> for handling errors. Option type in Rust generally denotes option values that have two attributes: Some and None. The option type creates an i32 box for using inner values.

Options <T> uses pattern matches for querying whether the value is present or not and in case there aren’t any, it references a nullable (None). Whenever there is a pattern match, the rust compiler assigns the box a value, and if there aren’t any then the box is empty.

Example 1:


fn main() {
let matching_digit = Some(100);
fn processing_digit(i: i32) {
println!("Inside Processing digit function!");
fn processing_other_digit(i: i32) {
println!("Inside Processing Other digit function!");
let msg = match matching_digit {
    Some(x) if x < 20 => processing_digit(x),
    Some(x)  => processing_digit(x),
    None => panic!(),




In this example, we have used a variable named matching_digit that holds a value passed by the Some() function. The function processing digit as well the function other_processing digit both accept 32-bit integers. Now, we pass a value of 100 and assign a condition to one of the Some parameters that if the value is less than 20 it will match and the processing_digit function would be called and if nothing is passed Rust will use None which would panic.

Example 2:


fn find(search: &str, variable: char) -> Option<usize> {search.find(variable) }
fn main() {
    let var_name = "w3wiki";
    match find(var_name, 'G') {
        None => println!("Letter not found"),
        Some(_i) => println!("Letter found"),




In this example, we are finding the letter ‘G’ initially and we are checking using Some() whether the value is present or not. If it is present then var_name matches with the find function and we print Letter found in the output. 

Similarly, for another example, if we search for the letter ‘Z’ we won’t find it.

Example 3:


fn find(search: &str, variable: char) -> Option<usize> { search.find(variable) }
fn main() {
    let var_name = "w3wiki";
    match find(var_name, 'Z') {
        None => println!("Letter not found"),
        Some(_i) => println!("Letter found"),




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