Operating System Error Handling

An operating system is considered a medium between the computer systems and its users. After the booting process, the Operating System takes over and manages all of its applications on a device. The operating system is a key part of the framework software application in an electronic device.

Since the operating system is a set of software some errors may come that can cause any severe stoppage or fault serious enough to give wrong results, it would need error handling. The following paper discusses the error in detail, its types, handling errors concept, and the need for.

What is an Error?

An error is a kind of abnormal situation or state that basically occurs either in the operating system itself or during execution and any program under process restrictions from action as it should ideally. Now this action can be any practically specified activity or every certain action that has been distributed for the mentioned system such as copying a particular file or deletion of some specific information. Therefore, any restriction of this action – performing these three side actions is called an error The causes for those errors can be run-time faults logical errors system crashes etc. In essence, these mistakes produce untrue results or some system vulnerabilities and instability.

Types of Error

Below are the two types of errors that are seen in the context of the Operating System:

  • Transient Failure
  • Permanent Failure

Transient Failure

The Transient failures are considered as temporary or short-lived errors that appear either in the system itself, or within a particular process over an operating system.Mainly, these are as a result of some temporal events which are not too severe. Transient Failure is fleeting and does not remain in issues with the hardware or any software activity. Transient failures are routine failures and they are not more serious, there can be recoverable errors from these transient faults. The system is able to undertake its normal tasks after getting past this temporal problem by using such remedy which cures of those incriminating error.


Deadlock Condition, which occurs when processes create temporary conflicts in the resources that can be accessed by more than one process.

Permanent Failure

The most serious problem is Permanent Failure, or severe failure in the operating system which cannot be restored through any type of error handling activities or normal operations. Permanent failure is about issues relating to hardware or software components. This is difficult to restore since sometimes the system fails and stops running all processes or hardware. This is the most critical issue that needs some sophisticated interventions to restore this system from such a failure.


Defective CPU which always issues wrong results or false outputs.

What is Operating System Error Handling?

Primarily error-handling in an operating system may be defined as a systematic process or apperach to Detect, Manage and even respond appropriately by certain failures such transient errors of permanent failure. Error handling basically refers to some mechanisms for Coping with these types of failures or exceptional aspects what are referred include exceptions which occurs during runtime ar compile time; the primary task is handled this error.Some of the methods for error handling, include exception.

Why is Error Handling necessary for Operating System?

Below are the reasons, why Error Handling is important in Operating Systems:

  • Robustness and Reliability
  • Improves User Experience
  • Maintains Security
  • Problem Troubleshooting and Debugging

Robustness and Reliability

By using error handling, we also raise the integrity and dependability of our operating system. Basically, it enables us to cope with failures and exceptional situations without crashing or interrupting the processes/software. The fact that it manages and organizes the errors of operational system assists us to come back from failing activities, which were desired to perform any activity this in total maintains stability over our working environment.

Improves User Experience

Error handling within the operating system also contributes greatly to providing a good user experience. When a Failure or area occurs in our operating system, or any process for that matter, There should be error messages that are clear and applicable such which can act as troubleshooting indicators to the end users. This minimizes the level of frustration because it helps them point to proper action and solutions for tracing back errors from where they should be rectified.

Maintains Security

The efficient error handling process also assists in system security by providing appropriate and informative messages without compromising any sensitive data, the purpose of error-handling is to prevent potential attackers from misusing a bug or vulnerabilities leading them permissions access that they were not supposed to have on given resources. The strategies of error handling preserve Data integrity, Confidentiality, and Availability.

Problem Troubleshooting and Debugging

Error handling is in fact extremely beneficial to the process of Problem Identification or error troubleshooting and debugging. A system administrator who is responsible for entire system, developer or support personnel can analyse this error details to find where these errors have occurred and why.

Operating System Error Handling

Let us analyze the case below taking into consideration that a system user wants to read this file from his or her local disc drive through an operating system’s functions of input-output. In this case, the transistor and permanence failure will be discussed during these activities. Additionally, we will treat this answer as being operating system and how the error-handling is handled by the OS.

Transient Failure

  • User Action: The user starts the process where a file read operation is being executed to open and extract report.pdf content. With the aid of this operating systems file I/O API.
  • Transient Failure: When the user starts this process of reading content from the file, a transient failure takes place whereby there is an interruption in connection on account of momentary change when power fluctuates forcing disconnection off disc drive for some time.
  • Operating System Response (Error Handling): The Operating System for the movement detects that there was a transient failure while talking to disc drive. Its error handling mechanisms are triggered like buffer I/O and retries. The operating system will try again or performs retries to resume the communication with disc drive, and continue file read operation from where it had been interrupted. It may not be known to the user that this was a temporary malfunction since the operating system automatically recovers from such transient failure

Permanent Failure

  • User Action: In this, the user starts for opening a file named data.csv on an external USB device with help of operating systems’s I /O functions used to access files.
  • Permanent Failure: As we have seen permanent failure, is essentially resulted from hardware and software elements. Therefore in a permanent failure, the external USB drive suffers an irreparable physical wear-and –tear of its read and write head resulting to impossibility or difficulty by that particular operating system accessing any data from such drive.
  • Operating System Response (Error Handling): When the Operating System recognizes permanent failure and tries to interact with a USB device, in this case Direct recovery from hardware deficiency can not be made by operating systems. In reality, it provides the user an error code that indicates to what real problem has resulted. Therefore, the error message can show that due to some reason an external drive has been filled or because of this it cannot be accessed in reality. The user is also recommended to test its drives connection or seek some consultant help for performing the data recovery process, as this can resolve his/her problem in favor by making him replace faulty drive with a new operative one.

Frequently Asked Questions on Operating System Error Handling – FAQs

How Operating System handles the segmentation fault?

A segmentation fault is a type of error that occurs when the program tries to access or make use of memory space for which it does not have rights. For a segmentation fault, the operating system logs it by stopping or terminating that program.

Is a user level program able to handle its own errors independent of an operating system?

User level programs operate their errors by means of exception handling and error-checking function.

Can the operating system enhance security by managing errors?

Absolutely. By addressing exceptions and errors, safeguarding against unauthorized entry, and preventing denial of service attacks, the operating system can indeed improve security.

Which types of errors have the potential to crash a computer system?

Permanent failures, such as hardware or software malfunctions, can result in a system crash. Unfortunately, these issues are not easily resolved.

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