Qualcomm Interview Experience for Embedded System

So I went through the Qualcomm interview which is pretty good and had a great conversation with the interviewer, and I’m going to share every possible aspect of mine. And I’ll suggest all of you clear your basics and if you’ll do this, you will find the interview quite interesting and easy at the same time.

key part-  Focus on topics related to memory and basics (means, almost everyone uses to ignore basic topics). 

Round 1: For me, they have divided the round 1 interview into four parts-

  1. Computer Organization/Architecture.
  2. Data Structure.
  3. Programming logic and Questions related to C
  4. And programming on IDE.
  • Computer Organization/Architecture – 
    • Basic idea about signed and Unsigned Integers and their ranges.
    • Questions related to memory.
    • Arrange main, secondary, and cache nearest to farthest from the processor.
    • In which memory programs get stored.
    • In dynamic memory allocation which memory gets used.
  •  Data Structure –
    • Given unsorted elements and for searching an element which Data Structure is best suited and had a deep discussion on it with the complexity.
    • Explain binary search time complexity in every case (this wasn’t the exact question but related to this).
    • Questions related to Hashmap, Stack, Binary tree, and Complexities.
  • Programming logic and Questions related to C – 
    • What will be the logic to find the missing element if you have been given an unsorted list from 1 – n elements (Optimal approach).
    • Some questions based on theory about searching, sorting logic, and complexity
    • Rotate k-elements to the right in an array (On the online compiler and discussed different aspects).

Round 2: In round  two there were 3 questions only 

  • Print a pattern using c programming on an online compiler (https://www.w3wiki.net/program-print-hollow-pyramid-diamond-pattern/).
  • Suppose you have a chess board how many boxes will be there then you have to find no boxes of type 2×2, 3×3, 4×4, 5×5, 6×6, and 7×7 (question-answer/aptitude).
  • Puzzle 18 | (Torch and Bridge)  -> (https://www.w3wiki.net/puzzle-18-torch-and-bridge/)

Conclusion- Selected

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