Python program to print words from a sentence with highest and lowest ASCII value of characters

Given a string S of length N, representing a sentence, the task is to print the words with the highest and lowest average of ASCII values of characters.


Input: S = "every moment is fresh beginning"
Word with minimum average ASCII values is "beginning".
Word with maximum average ASCII values is "every".

The average of ASCII values of characters of the word "every" = ((101+118+101+114+121)/5 =111)
The average of ASCII values of characters of the word "moment" =: (( 109+111+109+101+110+116)/6 = 109.33333)
The average of ASCII values of characters of the word "is" = ((105+115)/2 =)
The average of ASCII values of characters of the word "fresh" = ((102+114+101+115+104)/5 = 110)
The average of ASCII values of characters of the word "beginning" = ((98+101+103+105+110+110+105+110+103)/9 =105).
Therefore, the word with minimum of average of ASCII values is "beginning” and maximum of average ASCII values is "every".
Input: S = "sky is blue"
Word with minimum average ASCII values is "blue".
Word with maximum average ASCII values is "sky".

Approach 1: The idea is to use the split() function. Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

  • Split all the words of the string separated by spaces using the split() function. Store it in a list, say lis[].
  • Initialize four variables say maxi, mini, maxId, and minId, to store the maximum of average of ASCII values, the minimum average ASCII value, the index of the word with the maximum average ASCII value in the list lis, and the index of the word with the minimum average ASCII value in the list lis[] respectively.
  • Define a function, say averageValue(), to find the average ASCII value of a string.
  • Traverse the list lis[] and perform the following operations:
    • For every ith word in the list lis[], and store it in a variable, say curr.
    • If curr> maxi, then update maxi as maxi = curr and assign maxId = i.
    • If curr< mini, then update mini as mini = curr and assign minId = i.
  • After completing the above steps, print the words lis[minId] and lis[maxId] with minimum and maximum average of ASCII value of its characters.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


# Python implementation of the above approach
# Function to find the average
# of ASCII value of a word
def averageValue(s):
    # Stores the sum of ASCII
    # value of all characters
    sumChar = 0
   # Traverse the string
    for i in range(len(s)):
        # Increment sumChar by ord(s[i])
        sumChar += ord(s[i])
    # Return the average
    return sumChar // len(s)
# Function to find words with maximum
# and minimum average of ascii values
def printMinMax(string):
    # Stores the words of the
    # string S separated by spaces
    lis = list(string.split(" "))
    # Stores the index of word in
    # lis[] with maximum average
    maxId = 0
    # Stores the index of word in
    # lis[] with minimum average
    minId = 0
    # Stores the maximum average
    # of ASCII value of characters
    maxi = -1
    # Stores the minimum average
    # of ASCII value of characters
    mini = 1e9
    # Traverse the list lis
    for i in range(len(lis)):
        # Stores the average of
        # word at index i
        curr = averageValue(lis[i])
        # If curr is greater than maxi
        if(curr > maxi):
            # Update maxi and maxId
            maxi = curr
            maxId = i
        # If curr is lesser than mini
        if(curr < mini):
            # Update mini and minId
            mini = curr
            minId = i
    # Print string at minId in lis
    print("Minimum average ascii word = ", lis[minId])
    # Print string at maxId in lis
    print("Maximum average ascii word = ", lis[maxId])
# Driver Code
S = "every moment is fresh beginning"


Minimum average ascii word =  beginning
Maximum average ascii word =  every

Time Complexity: O(N), as we are using a loop to traverse N times so it will cost us O(N) time 
Auxiliary Space: O(1), as we are not using any extra space.

Approach 2: Using ord(),statistics.mean(),sort(),extend(),index() methods

  1. Split the given string
  2. Defined a method avg to find the average of ascii values of each string using ord(),statistics.mean() and for loop
  3. Append the average of ASCII values to a list
  4. Sort the list and display the minimum average ascii word and maximum average ascii word using sort(),extend() and index() methods


# Python implementation of the above approach
import statistics
S = "every moment is fresh beginning"
def avg(a):
    v = []
    for i in a:
    return statistics.mean(v)
x = S.split()
y = []
for i in x:
z = []
# Print string at minId in lis
print("Minimum average ascii word = ", x[y.index(z[0])])
# Print string at maxId in lis
print("Maximum average ascii word = ", x[y.index(z[-1])])


Minimum average ascii word =  beginning
Maximum average ascii word =  every

Time Complexity: O(N) N – length of splitted list
Auxiliary Space: O(N) N – length of sorted list

Approach#3:using split and dictionary


1.Split the sentence into words.
2.Convert each word into a list of ASCII values of its characters.
3.Compute the average ASCII value of each word and store it along with the word in a dictionary.
4.Find the word with the minimum and maximum average ASCII values in the dictionary.
5.Print the words with the minimum and maximum average ASCII values.


s = "sky is blue"
words = s.split()
avg_ascii_dict = {}
for word in words:
    ascii_list = [ord(c) for c in word]
    avg_ascii = sum(ascii_list) / len(ascii_list)
    avg_ascii_dict[word] = avg_ascii
min_word = min(avg_ascii_dict, key=avg_ascii_dict.get)
max_word = max(avg_ascii_dict, key=avg_ascii_dict.get)
print(f"Word with minimum average ASCII values is '{min_word}'.")
print(f"Word with maximum average ASCII values is '{max_word}'.")


Word with minimum average ASCII values is 'blue'.
Word with maximum average ASCII values is 'sky'.

Time complexity: O(n * m), where n is the number of words in the sentence and m is the maximum length of a word.

Space complexity: O(n * m), as we are storing the average ASCII values of each word in a dictionary that can potentially have n entries of length m.

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