Binary Search In JavaScript
Binary Search is a searching technique that works on the Divide and Conquer approach. It is used to search for any element in a sorted array. Compared with linear, binary search is much faster with a Time Complexity of O(logN), whereas linear search works in O(N) time complexity...
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How to validate HTML tag using Regular Expression
Given string str, the task is to check whether it is a valid HTML tag or not by using Regular Expression.The valid HTML tag must satisfy the following conditions:...
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What is a Webcrawler and where is it used?
Web Crawler is a bot that downloads the content from the internet and indexes it. The main purpose of this bot is to learn about the different web pages on the internet. This kind of bots is mostly operated by search engines. By applying the search algorithms to the data collected by the web crawlers, search engines can provide the relevant links as a response for the request requested by the user. In this article, let’s discuss how the web crawler is implemented....
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Javascript Program for Two Pointers Technique
Two pointers is really an easy and effective technique which is typically used for searching pairs in a sorted array.Given a sorted array A (sorted in ascending order), having N integers, find if there exists any pair of elements (A[i], A[j]) such that their sum is equal to X....
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Find the missing end tag in the given HTML Code
Given a string htmlCode which is HTML code of a webpage, the task is to find the missing end tag in the HTML code.Examples:...
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Javascript Program for Third largest element in an array of distinct elements
Given an array of n integers, find the third largest element. All the elements in the array are distinct integers. Example :...
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Binary Search Visualization using JavaScript
GUI(Graphical User Interface) helps in better understanding than programs. In this article, we will visualize Binary Search using JavaScript. We will see how the elements are being traversed in Binary Search until the given element is found. We will also visualize the time complexity of Binary Search....
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Linear Search Visualization using JavaScript
GUI(Graphical User Interface) helps in better in understanding than programs. In this article, we will visualize Linear Search using JavaScript. We will see how the elements are being traversed in Linear Search until the given element is found. We will also visualize the time complexity of Linear Search....
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HTML Entity Parser
Given a string str which has various HTML Entities in it, the task is to replace these entities with their corresponding special character....
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Javascript Program to Find closest number in array
Given an array of sorted integers. We need to find the closest value to the given number. Array may contain duplicate values and negative numbers....
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PHP | ereg_replace() Function
The ereg_replace() is an inbuilt function in PHP and is used to search a string pattern in an other string. If pattern is found in the original string then it will replace matching text with a replacement string. You may refer to the article on Regular Expression for basic understanding of pattern matching using regular expressions....
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Php Program to Find closest number in array
Given an array of sorted integers. We need to find the closest value to the given number. Array may contain duplicate values and negative numbers....
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