Python | Plotting Google Map using folium package

Folium is built on the data wrangling strengths of the Python ecosystem and the mapping strengths of the Leaflet.js (JavaScript) library. Simply, manipulate your data in Python, then visualize it on a leaflet map via Folium. Folium makes it easy to visualize data that’s been manipulated in Python, on an interactive Leaflet map. This library has a number of built-in tilesets from OpenStreetMap, Mapbox etc.
Command to install folium module : 

pip install folium

Code #1 : To create a Base Map. 

# import folium package
import folium

# Map method of folium return Map object

# Here we pass coordinates of Gfg 
# and starting Zoom level = 12
my_map1 = folium.Map(location = [28.5011226, 77.4099794],
                                        zoom_start = 12 )

# save method of Map object will create a map" my_map1.html " )

Output : 

Code #2 : Add a circular marker with popup text. 

# import folium package
import folium

my_map2 = folium.Map(location = [28.5011226, 77.4099794],
                                         zoom_start = 12)

# CircleMarker with radius
folium.CircleMarker(location = [28.5011226, 77.4099794],
                    radius = 50, popup = ' FRI ').add_to(my_map2)

# save as html" my_map2.html ")

Output : 

Code #3 : Add a simple_marker for parachute style marker with pop-up text. 

# import folium package
import folium

my_map3 = folium.Map(location = [28.5011226, 77.4099794],
                                        zoom_start = 15)

# Pass a string in popup parameter
folium.Marker([28.5011226, 77.4099794],
               popup = ' ').add_to(my_map3)" my_map3.html ")

Output : 

Code #4 : Add a line to the map 

# import folium package
import folium

my_map4 = folium.Map(location = [28.5011226, 77.4099794],
                                        zoom_start = 12)

folium.Marker([28.704059, 77.102490],
              popup = 'Delhi').add_to(my_map4)

folium.Marker([28.5011226, 77.4099794],
              popup = 'w3wiki').add_to(my_map4)

# Add a line to the map by using line method .
# it connect both coordinates by the line
# line_opacity implies intensity of the line

folium.PolyLine(locations = [(28.704059, 77.102490), (28.5011226, 77.4099794)],
                line_opacity = 0.5).add_to(my_map4)"my_map4.html")

Output : 


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