Python | Launch a Web Browser using webbrowser module

In Python, webbrowser module is a convenient web browser controller. It provides a high-level interface that allows displaying Web-based documents to users. 

webbrowser can also be used as a CLI tool. It accepts a URL as the argument with the following optional parameters: -n opens the URL in a new browser window, if possible, and -t opens the URL in a new browser tab. 


python -m webbrowser -t ""

NOTE: webbrowser is part of the python standard library. Therefore, there is no need to install a separate package to use it.

The webbrowser module can be used to launch a browser in a platform-independent manner as shown below:
Code #1 : 


import webbrowser'')

Output : 


This opens the requested page using the default browser. To have a bit more control over how the page gets opened, use one of the following functions given below in the code –
Code #2 : Open the page in a new browser window. 



Output : 


Code #3 : Open the page in a new browser tab. 



Output : 


These will try to open the page in a new browser window or tab, if possible and supported by the browser. To open a page in a specific browser, use the webbrowser.get() function to specify a particular browser.
Code #4 : 


c = webbrowser.get('firefox')'')

Output : 


Being able to easily launch a browser can be a useful operation in many scripts. For example, maybe a script performs some kind of deployment to a server and one would like to have it quickly launch a browser so one can verify that it’s working. Or maybe a program writes data out in the form of HTML pages and just like to fire up a browser to see the result. Either way, the webbrowser module is a simple solution.

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