Python for Kids – Fun Tutorial to Learn Python Programming

Python for Kids – Python is an easy-to-understand and good-to-start programming language. In this Python tutorial for kids or beginners, you will learn Python and know why it is a perfect fit for kids to start. Whether the child is interested in building simple games, creating art, or solving puzzles, Python provides the foundation to the kids or any beginner for their coding journey.

Python for Kids

Programming is an essential skill in today’s world because programming is used everywhere in our surroundings. And to learn programming, we have to learn a programming language and Python is the best to start with programming language. It has a simple syntax and readability is the best choice for kids to understand programming concepts. In this Python tutorial, you’ll learn all the basic concepts, installation processes, and fundamental programming concepts.

Table of Content – Python for Kids

1. What is Python?

2. Why Python for Kids?

3. Getting Started with Python

  • 3.1. Installing Python
  • 3.2. Python IDE

4. Python Syntax

5. First Python Program – Hello, World!

6. Python Variables

7. Python Datatypes

  • 7.1 Int
  • 7.2 Float
  • 7.3 String
  • 7.4 Boolean
  • 7.5 List
  • 7.6 Tuple
  • 7.7 Dict
  • 7.8 Set
8. Python Operators

9. Control Flow

  • 9.1. Conditional Statements  
  • 9.2. Loops  

10. Functions and Modules in Python

  • 10.1 Python Functions
  • 10.2 Python Modules
11. OOPS in Python
12. Fun Activities – Python Projects for Kids

What is Python?

Python is a most popular, high-level (a language that is understandable for humans) language, created by Guido van Rossum and released in 1991. It is interpreted programming language (a language that directly converts human-written code into machine code) that focuses on code readability. It is famous among programmers for its clear and simple syntax, which makes it easy to read and understand.

Before going directly into coding, it’s important to learn some basic concepts such as Python uses variables to store data, and it provides various data types, such as numbers, strings, and lists, and, control flow structures like conditional statements and loops, which allows for decision-making and repetitive tasks.

Why Python for Kids?

The main reason for a kid or a beginner to start with Python is the simplicity and versatility of Python. It makes it an ideal language for kids to start their coding journey. Here are some reasons why Python is a great choice for new learners:


  • Easy to Read and Understand: Python code easy more like the English language, making it easier for kids to understand and write.
  • Vibrant Community and Resources: Python has a large and supportive community, And, there are several structured free or paid resources available for Python. Like providing multiple tutorials, online courses, and interactive platforms for learning like w3wiki.
  • Wide Range of Applications: As Python is a simple language, It is powerful also and It is used in various domains, like, web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and game development. Python is a very versatile language and this versatility allows kids to explore different areas of interest.

Getting Started with Python

To begin coding in Python, you need to set up your development environment. The environment is nothing but an area where you code and write programs with interactive and several tools which made the programming easier and more interactive.

Installing Python

Python is free and it can be installed on different operating systems – for example, Windows, Linux, IOS, etc). Visit the official Python website ( and download recommended downloader for your computer. To install Python on your computer you can follow the below-mentioned articles:

Follow all the installation instructions provided, and ensure Python is successfully installed on your computer.

Python IDE

An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) provides a comfortable coding environment with helpful features like code suggestions and debugging tools.

You can simply start writing and running your Python program from here – Python IDE


As you have understood what is Python, why it is important for kids, installation, etc. – now it’s the right time to learn Python in a most easy, engaging, and creative manner.

Python Syntax

Python syntax refers to the set of rules and conventions that dictate how Python code should be written in order for it to be interpreted correctly by the Python interpreter. It defines the structure and formatting of Python programs.

Python code is written as a sequence of statements. Each statement represents an action or a command. For example, assigning a value to a variable, calling a function, or defining a loop are all examples of statements.

Moreover, Python uses indentation to define code blocks. Unlike other programming languages that use braces or keywords, Python uses indentation to indicate the start and end of blocks of code. Typically, four spaces or a tab is used for indentation.

First Python Program – Hello, World!

Let’s run our first Python program – ‘Hello, World!’

The “Hello, World!” program is a common starting point for beginners in any programming language. It simply displays the text “Hello, World!” on the screen. In Python, you can achieve this with just one line of code.


Here’s how you can print “Hello, World!” in Python:


print("Hello, World!")


Hello, World!

Python Variables

If we have to store something in our real life we need a container or box to store this so, the variables are nothing but simple containers to store data of different types like numbers, strings, boolean, chars, lists, tuples, ranges, etc.


# Let's say you have a box to store things.
# You can give the box a name, like "my_box".
# Here, "my_box" is a variable.
my_box = "toys"
print(my_box)  # Output: toys
# Variables can store different types of things too.
# For example, you can store numbers in a variable.
my_number = 10
print(my_number)  # Output: 10
# You can also combine variables together.
my_message = "Hello, " + "World!"
print(my_message)  # Output: Hello, world!


Hello, World!

Rules for Python Variables:

Here are some of the rules mentioned that you must consider before naming a Python variable:

  • A Python variable name must start with a letter or the underscore character.
  • A Python variable name cannot start with a number.
  • A Python variable name can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and _ ).
  • Variable names in Python are case-sensitive (name, Name, and NAME are three different variables).
  • The reserved words (keywords) in Python cannot be used to name the variable in Python.

Python Datatypes

Data types in Python are like different kinds of boxes that can store different types of things If you have different types of toys or different types of books, Python has different types of data that it can work with.


1. Integer (int):

An integer represents whole numbers without decimals. It is like a whole cookie and represents a complete number without any pieces or fractions. 

For example, Our age, if someone asks us about our age, we generally give the answer in numbers without decimals like 18, 21, 11, etc.


age = 10



2. Float (float):

A float represents numbers with decimal points, It is like a cookie that has some pieces missing. It represents a number with a decimal or fraction. It can be used to represent measurements.

For example, We have to measure height, so it has to be concise and accurate it includes number + fractional parts in it like, 5.5, 6.7, 7, etc.


height = 5.5



3. String (str):

A string represents a sequence of characters or alphabets. It can be used to store text-based information. The string is like a collection of letters, words, or sentences. 

For example, a person’s name can be stored as strings.


name = "Rahul"



4. Boolean (bool):

A boolean represents two possible values: True or False. It deals with only true or false. A boolean is like a switch that can be either on or off. It represents a true or false value, like answering a yes or no question.

For example, Is Delhi the capital of India or not? So, the possible answer to this type of question is yes or no but in computers we communicate in true and false.


is_Delhi_Capital_of_india = True



5. List:

A list is an ordered collection of items. It can be used to store multiple values of different data types. A list is like a collection of items in a basket. It can contain different things, such as numbers, words, or even other lists.

Example 1: A shopping list can contain items of different types like strings, numbers, or booleans.


fruits = ["apple", "banana", "orange"]


['apple', 'banana', 'orange']

Let’s understand the List data type with one more example:

Example 2: Imagine you have a list of your favourite colours. You can write them down one after the other.


Colors=["red", "blue", "green"]


['red', 'blue', 'green']

You can easily add or remove colors from your list whenever you want. Lists are like a collection of items that you can change or update easily, just like your list of favorite colors.

6. Tuple:

A tuple is similar to a list but is immutable, meaning its elements cannot be changed once defined. It is like a fixed sequence of items. Once it’s set, the items cannot be changed. It’s like having a locked box with things inside.

Example 1: the coordinates of a point (x, y) on a map, where the values are fixed.


coordinates = (3, 4)


(3, 4)

Let’s understand Tuple with one more example:

Example 2: You have a tuple representing the days of the week: (“Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”). You can’t add or remove days from the tuple because it’s fixed.




('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday')

7. Dictionary:

A dictionary is an unordered collection of key-value pairs. It is useful for storing and retrieving data using specific keys. A dictionary is like a book with definitions. It has words (keys) and their meanings (values). Each word has a unique meaning.

Example 1: If we have to save details of a person then we can use the dictionary.


person = {"name": "Bob", "age": 12, "country": "USA"}


{'country': 'USA', 'age': 12, 'name': 'Bob'}

Let’s understand Dictionary in Python with one more example:

Example 2: Animals = {“lion”: “Lions are known as the kings of the jungle”, “elephant”: “Elephants have a great memory”}. 

In this dictionary, you can look up an animal’s name and find its corresponding fun fact. 


Animals = {"lion": "Lions are known as the kings of the jungle"
            "elephant": "Elephants have a great memory"}


{'lion': 'Lions are known as the kings of the jungle', 'elephant': 'Elephants have a great memory'}

8. Set:

A set is an unordered collection of unique elements. It is a data type that allows storing multiple values but automatically eliminates duplicates.

For example, let’s say you have a set of animal stickers. You have a lion, a monkey, and a giraffe in this set. But you don’t have two lions or two monkeys, because sets only keep one of each thing.


# Let's create a set of your favourite fruits
favorite_fruits = {"apple", "banana", "orange"}
# Now, let's print the set
# Adding a new fruit to the set
# Trying to add a duplicate fruit (banana)
favorite_fruits.add("banana"# This won't be added because sets only keep unique items
# Removing a fruit from the set
# Checking if the fruit is in the set
print("banana" in favorite_fruits)  # This will print True
# Checking the number of fruits in the set
print(len(favorite_fruits))  # This will print the total number of fruits in the set


{"apple", "banana", "orange"}
{"apple", "banana", "orange", "grapes"}
{"apple", "banana", "orange", "grapes"}
{"banana", "orange", "grapes"}

Python Operators

Operators are unique symbols that are used to perform calculations on numbers and other information. They help us add numbers together, compare values, or change the variables’ values.

Python divides the operators into the following groups:

  • Arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, %, **, //)
  • Assignment operators (==, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, //=, **=, &=, |=, ^=, >>=, <<=)
  • Comparison operators (==, !=, >, <, >=, <=)
  • Logical operators (and, or, not)
  • Identity operators (is, isnot)
  • Membership operators (in, not in)
  • Bitwise operators (&, |, ^, ~, <<, >>)


Python Control Flow

In programming, control flow refers to the order in which the code is executed. It determines how the computer goes through different parts of the code based on certain conditions.

There are two types of control flow:

Conditional Statements:

Conditional statements allow the computer to make decisions based on conditions. It checks if a certain condition is true or false and executes different blocks of code accordingly.


age = 12
if age >= 13:
    print("You can join the teen club!")
    print("Sorry, you need to be older to join.")


Sorry, you need to be older to join.


Loops allow the computer to repeat a block of code multiple times.

1. For loop:

It is used to repeat a block of code a specific number of times or over a collection of items.



for i in range(5):



2. While Loop:

A while loop is used to repeat a block of code as long as a certain condition is true.



count = 0
while count < 5:
    count += 1



Functions and Modules in Python

Functions and Modules provide us with reusability and organization of code. Let’s understand in an easy manner:

Function in Python

A function is a block of code that performs a specific task. 

Example: Let’s consider a pizza-making process. Imagine you have a pizza recipe that consists of several steps like preparing the dough, adding toppings, and baking it. 

Each step can be represented as a function:

  1. prepare_dough() – This function prepares the pizza dough.
  2. add_toppings() – This function adds various toppings to the pizza.
  3. bake_pizza() – This function bakes the pizza in the oven.


# Function to prepare the dough
def prepare_dough():
    print("Preparing the dough...")
# Function to add toppings
def add_toppings():
    print("Adding toppings...")
# Function to bake the pizza
def bake_pizza():
    print("Baking the pizza...")
# Calling the functions


Preparing the dough...
Adding toppings...
Baking the pizza...

By creating functions for each step, you can easily follow the recipe and reuse those functions whenever you want to make another pizza.

Modules in Python

Modules are files containing Python code that can be imported into other programs. 

Example: Continuing with the pizza process, let’s say you have a separate recipe book (module) that contains multiple pizza recipes. Each recipe can be a separate function within the module. 

Each recipe is in a different file/module:

  1. – This module contains the functions for making a Margherita pizza.
  2. – This module contains the functions for making a Pepperoni pizza.
  3. – This module contains the functions for making a Veggie Supreme pizza.

Now, whenever you want to make a specific type of pizza, you can import the corresponding module and use the functions defined in it. For example, if you want to make a Margherita pizza, you have to import the “recipe1” module and call the functions within it to prepare the dough, add toppings, and bake the pizza.

OOPs in Python

OOPs is a concept that is used in industry to reusability and security of the code. In the beginning, you can skip this concept If you are a kid, but If you are interested in learning deep with Python then you are good to go.

Imagine you have a big box of Lego blocks. Each block has its own shape, color, and purpose. OOP is like playing with Lego blocks, but with a twist!

In regular programming, we write instructions step by step to tell the computer what to do. But with OOP, we think about our program like a world filled with different objects that interact with each other.

Components in OOPS

A class is like a blueprint or a template that defines the characteristics (attributes) and behaviors (methods) of an object.

For example, consider a “Dog” class that defines how a dog should behave and what it can do. Think of a “Dog” class as a blueprint for different dog breeds. Each breed of dog (e.g., Labrador Retriever, Poodle, etc.) can be represented as an object of the “Dog” class.

An object is an instance of a class. It represents a specific entity that has its own unique set of attributes and can perform actions.

For example, a specific dog like “my_dog” is an object of the “Dog” class. “my_dog” can be an object representing an actual dog, such as “Bravo” which has its own attributes (e.g., name, breed, age) and can perform actions (e.g., bark, eat, fetch).


A method is a function associated with an object that defines the actions or behaviors it can perform.

For example, a dog object can have methods like “bark()” or “eat()”. A dog object can have methods such as “bark()” to make a sound or “eat()” to consume food.

OOPs Concepts in Python

OOP is an important concept in Python that makes programming more fun and efficient, just like playing with building blocks. Here are some simplified explanations of Python’s Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts for kids, along with real-world examples:

Inheritance is like passing down traits from parents to children. Just like you inherit traits from your parents, objects can inherit traits and behaviors from other objects. For example, think of a superhero. They may have special powers like flying or super strength. Now, imagine a new superhero is created. They can inherit those special powers from the existing superheroes and have their own unique powers too. In programming, we can create new objects that inherit properties and behaviors from existing objects, allowing us to reuse and extend what already exists.

Imagine you have a treasure box. It keeps your precious things safe and hidden. Encapsulation in programming is like that treasure box. It helps us keep related things together, just like you keep your toys in a box. We put data (like attributes) and actions (like methods) inside an object, and the object keeps them safe. This way, we can control how they are accessed and make sure they are used correctly.

Polymorphism is like having a magic wand that can turn into different things when you need it. In programming, it means that objects can take on different forms and do different things based on the situation. For example, think of a pet. A pet can be a dog, a cat, or a bird. They all have different sounds and behaviors, but we can treat them all as “pets” and play with them. Similarly, in programming, we can have different objects that share a common behavior or interface, but they can behave differently when needed.

Data Abstraction:

Abstraction is like having a remote control to operate a complicated machine. Instead of worrying about the inner workings of the machine, you can use the remote to control it easily. In programming, abstraction helps us hide unnecessary details and focus on what’s important. We can create simplified interfaces that allow us to interact with objects without worrying about how they work internally. For example, think of a music player. You don’t need to understand how it plays music; you just need to press the play button to enjoy your favorite songs.

These concepts of OOP help us organize, simplify, and make our programs more flexible. Encapsulation keeps things organized and safe, polymorphism allows objects to behave differently when needed, inheritance helps us reuse and extend existing code, and abstraction lets us focus on what’s important without worrying about the details. Together, they make programming more fun and efficient, just like using your imagination to create new things and play with them.

Python Projects for Kids

To make learning Python more exciting, here are a few project ideas for kids:

Simple Calculator

Here we will be making a simple calculator in which we can perform basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.

Hangman Game in Python

This is a simple Hangman game using Python programming language. Kids can use this as a small project to boost their programming skills and understanding of logic.

Number guessing game in Python

Build a Number guessing game, in which the user selects a range. Let’s say User selected a range, i.e., from A to B, where A and B belong to Integer. Some random integer will be selected by the system and the user has to guess that integer in the minimum number of guesses.

Word guessing game in Python

Here, we will use the random module to make a word-guessing game. This game is for beginners learning to code in python and to give them a little brief about using strings, loops, and conditional(If, else) statements.


Python is an excellent programming language for kids due to its simplicity and versatility. Its easy syntax, large community, and wide range of applications make it a perfect choice for beginners. By starting their coding journey with Python, kids can develop problem-solving skills, boost their creativity, and make a solid foundation for future programming works.

FAQs Related to Python For Kids

Q1. Can kids learn Python even if they have no prior programming experience?


Absolutely! Python is designed in such a way that even a kid can start with it, with no prior programming experience. Its simple syntax and readability make it easy to understand and write code.

Q2. Are there any online resources available for kids to learn Python?


Yes, there are numerous online resources available for kids to learn Python like w3wiki, etc.

Q3. What age range is Python suitable for?


Python is suitable for kids of various age ranges, typically starting from around 10 years old and up. However, it ultimately depends on the child’s individual interest and readiness to learn.

Q4. Can Python be used to create professional-level projects?


Yes, Python is widely used in professional software development. Many large companies and organizations use Python for web development, data analysis, machine learning, and more. Starting with Python at a young age can lay the foundation for advanced programming skills in the future.

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