Python – Adaptive Blur in Wand

Adaptive Blur is a kind of blur. The only difference is that blur intensity around the detectable edges in image is less while, it is greater on areas without edges. Adaptive Blur can be done using adaptive_blur function. 


Syntax : 


            channel = "optional_channel_value")
# radius should always be greater than sigma(standard deviation)

Parameters : 


Parameter Input Type Description
radius numbers.real the radius of the, in pixels, not counting the center pixel. Default is 0.0.
sigma numbers.real the standard deviation of the, in pixels. Default value is 0.0.
channel basestring Optional color channel to apply blur.

Example #1: 



# import Image from wand.image module
from wand.image import Image
# read file using Image function
with Image(filename ="gfg.png") as img:
    # perform adaptive blur effect using adaptive_blur() function
    img.adaptive_blur(radius = 8, sigma = 4)
    # save final image ="adblur_gfg.png")


Example #2: 



# import Image from wand.image module
from wand.image import Image
# read file using Image function
with Image(filename ="koala.jpeg") as img:
    # perform adaptive blur effect using adaptive_blur() function
    img.blur(radius = 8, sigma = 3)
    # save final image ="adblur_koala.jpeg")



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