PwC Interview Experience for Data Engineer (2 YOE)


  • Data Engineer Role
  • 2+ year experience

Applied for this position through referral and was shortlisted based on my resume 3 months back.

The selection procedure comprises of 2 rounds: 1 Technical Round & 1 HR/ Managerial Round.

Technical Round:

  • It started with Intro and hobbies. Then, went on to Resume, skills, experience, role & responsibility (basically what work was done in the last 2 yrs at the company), software and technologies known, and implemented, what working now, and targeting for the future to learn.
  • Next, tell me about the current trends in the data field, what’s going on in the market?
  • Which tools are coming up? Which tools have taken a back seat now and why? And some other questions/cross-questions in this domain.

Some SQL Questions

  1. How many records will be there after joining 2 tables – right join- 2 tables with data set were given.
  2. Also, if I want to have a so & so result then what should be the query/ join type? Any other way to reach the same result?
  3. Differences between rank, dense rank, row number definition wise, and for a data set given also tell the result.
  4. For the given data frame, describe DB schema, filter employees whose salary is less than 50k, add a new column for x% bonus, and than find the new salary after adding the bonus… And how to save it as a parquet file.
  5. In the given data replace $%@₹& character with empty space “.
  6. How many points will your name and surname have based on the given point system data set?

Next some conceptual questions related to supply chain & management and planning were asked – since the previous organization was working in this domain.

Verdict – Not Selected.

Note: This interview was given by my roommate (who is 1 year senior to me), so I wanted to share one such experience as well which discusses on experience where the verdict is: Failed.

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